Orange County NC Website
Sustainability & Environmental Responsibility in Orange County <br /> June 16, 2015 <br /> Purpose and Background <br /> • To receive updates from multiple County departments on sustainability initiatives, <br /> including: <br /> • Environmental Responsibility in County Government (ERG) goal <br /> • FY 14 Utility and Fuel Scorecard <br /> Sustainability Activities Across the County <br /> • Dept. of the Environment, Ag., Parks & Recreation <br /> — David Stancil <br /> • Information Technologies <br /> — Jim Northrup <br /> • Planning, Inspections, Orange Public Transit <br /> — Craig Benedict <br /> • Solid Waste <br /> — Blair Pollock <br /> • Asset Management Services <br /> — Brennan Bouma <br /> David Stancil presented this portion of the PowerPoint: <br /> Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks & Recreation (DEAPR) <br /> Conserving and managing the natural and cultural resources of Orange County <br /> State of Environment Report 2014 <br /> • State of the Environment (SOE) Reports prepared every 4-5 years <br /> • Uses trends, indicators and benchmarks to assess 23 environmental indicators <br /> • Indicators assessed status and trend <br /> • 14 of 19 indicators show good or fair status <br /> • Critical and emerging issues addressed <br /> Orange County Environmental Summit <br /> • Held October 2014 - Maple View Education Center <br /> • Presentation of SOE 2014 Report <br /> • Guest Speakers on <br /> — Invasive Species (Johnny Randall) <br /> — Future of Jordan Lake (Don Francisco), and <br /> — "Lessons from the Land" <br /> (Dr. Norm Christenson, keynote) <br /> Environment and Nature Education <br /> • Continue to offer series of environmental education and nature programs <br /> • High interest expressed in P&R Master Plan <br /> • Programs include: <br />