Orange County NC Website
A motion was made by Commissioner Rich, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> adopt Attachment 3 for $780,281 for the County Approved Grant projects FY 2015-16. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Commissioner Jacobs suggested in the future making a summary sheet of the newly <br /> proposed changes in fees, listed by department. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> adopt Attachment 4, the FY 2015-16 County Fee Schedule. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Chair McKee thanked the staff for their exhaustive efforts and asked for any comments <br /> on this budget process. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs thanked everyone for supporting the additional funds for the <br /> school districts, especially the planning funds in the CIP. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs thanked the Manager and staff and the Board for representing <br /> the public and said support for public education has been shown. He said this has been a <br /> progressive budget and this Board and staff are trying to stand by the values of what Orange <br /> County stands for. <br /> Commissioner Price thanked the Manager, staff and the public who have voiced their <br /> opinions. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier agreed with her colleagues and thanked staff, the Manager, <br /> and the public. She said this year not only did funding go to the schools but other issues such <br /> as additional staff, commitment to affordable housing, etc. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she agreed with all comments and she too thanked the <br /> Manager, saying this is the smoothest budget process in her three years on the BOCC. She <br /> proposed thinking about school funding differently. She said perhaps it is possible for the topic <br /> of schools to be discussed throughout the year so as to be less stressful at the end of the <br /> budget process. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he appreciated what Commissioner Rich said about school <br /> funding. He said although the meeting on June 11 th was long and voluble, it was the best <br /> meeting of the year. He appreciated the discussions. He said the Board needed to have <br /> these discussions all year long as well as to how to fund issues. He thanked the Manager and <br /> the staff for their dedication. <br /> Chair McKee said Orange County is blessed. He said because of increasing revenues <br /> and an improving economy, this is the fourth year out of five without an ad valorem tax <br /> increase. He said the Orange County Board of County Commissioners always has, and <br /> always will, support education to the extent that it can. <br /> 8. Reports <br /> a. Orange County Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility Update <br /> The Board considered receiving information and progress reports on current initiatives <br /> from several County Departments related to sustainability, including the Environmental <br /> Responsibility in County Government (ERG) goal and the Energy Scorecard, and provide <br /> feedback to staff for consideration. <br /> Brennan Bouma, Orange County Sustainability Coordinator, presented the following <br /> PowerPoint slides: <br />