Orange County NC Website
The Dental Insurance Fund accounts for the receipt of premium payments from the County for <br /> its employees and from the employees for their dependents, and the payment of employee <br /> claims and administration expenses. Projected receipts from the County and employees for <br /> fiscal year 2015-16 are $581,122 and projected expense for claims and administration for <br /> fiscal year 2015-16 is $581,122. <br /> The Health Insurance Fund accounts for the receipt of premium payments from the County for <br /> its employees and from the employees for their dependents, and the payment of employee <br /> claims and administration expenses. Projected receipts from the County and employees for <br /> fiscal year 2015-16 is $9,096,153 and projected expense for claims and administration for <br /> fiscal year 2015-16 is $9,096,153. <br /> Section XI. Internal Service Fund -Vehicle Replacement Fund <br /> The Vehicle Replacement Fund will centralize and account for the purchase and replacement <br /> of County vehicles purchased with revenues and funding provided by the Governmental Funds <br /> of Orange County (General Fund, Special Revenue and Grants Funds). Projected sources of <br /> revenues and funds for fiscal year 2015-16 will be $793,209 of short-term installment financing <br /> and internal reserves, and the projected expenses for the purchase of vehicles for fiscal year <br /> 2015-16 will be $793,209. <br /> Section XII. Agency Funds <br /> These funds account for assets held by the County as an agent for other government units, <br /> and by State Statutes, these funds are not subject to appropriation by the Board of County <br /> Commissioners, and not included in this ordinance. <br /> Section XIII. Encumbrances <br /> Operating funds encumbered by the County as of June 30, 2015 are hereby re-appropriated to <br /> this budget. <br /> Section XIV. Capital Projects & Grants Fund <br /> The County Capital Improvements Fund, Schools Capital Improvements Fund, Community <br /> Development Fund and the Grant Projects Fund are hereby authorized. Appropriations made <br /> for the specific projects or grants in these funds are hereby appropriated until the project or <br /> grant is complete. <br /> The County Capital Projects Fund FY 2015-16 budget, with anticipated fund revenues of <br /> $6,751,674 and project expenditures of $6,751,674 is hereby adopted in accordance with G.S. <br /> 159 by Orange County for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015, and ending June 30, 2016, <br /> and the same is adopted by project. <br /> The School Capital Projects Fund FY 2015-16 budget, with anticipated fund revenues of <br /> $4,952,849, and project expenditures of $4,952,849, is hereby adopted in accordance with <br /> G.S. 159 by Orange County for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015, and ending June 30, <br /> 2016, and the same is adopted by project. <br />