Orange County NC Website
relevant County-appointed citizen advisory boards, including the CFE, and representatives of <br /> key County departments, such as the Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and <br /> Recreation, on their areas of expertise and/or concern. <br /> The CFE is of the opinion that the BOCC's decision-making process would benefit <br /> greatly by hearing comments from County residents, advisory boards, and departments on the <br /> funding needs facing programs and activities that are essential to the quality of life in the <br /> County. No doubt education is important, but equally important are parks and recreation, <br /> affordable housing for low-income residents, and services for the county's growing population <br /> of seniors, among other needs. For example, if the County could provide $5 to $10 million for <br /> park development, it would be possible to develop and open the long-planned Blackwood <br /> Farm Park as well as additional recreational facilities in the northern part of the county. By <br /> developing Twin Creeks Park located next to Morris Grove Elementary School, the County <br /> would provide recreational opportunities for both school children and adults, helping to improve <br /> the quality of life for all residents as well as making the county a more attractive area for new <br /> businesses that seek well-rounded communities in which to locate their operations. Funding for <br /> parks and open space could help preserve additional farmland and natural areas with <br /> permanent conservation easements. <br /> The CFE urges the Board of County Commissioners to reopen the bond <br /> referendum process and provide a full opportunity for public and county staff comment. <br /> The CFE would very much appreciate an opportunity to present its views on funding <br /> priorities related to parks and open space land conservation to the BOCC." <br /> b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> (These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the agenda <br /> below.) <br /> 3. Announcements and Petitions by Board Members <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he had no petitions. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she had no petitions. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she had no petitions. <br /> Commissioner Price said she had no petitions. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs petitioned for the Manager to consult Brenda Bartholomew, <br /> Director of Human Resources, and consider returning the name of that department to the <br /> Personnel Department. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs said she had no petitions. <br /> Chair McKee said he had no petitions. <br /> 4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> a. Proclamation Recognizing Carrboro High School Women's Soccer Team Winning <br /> the 2015 State Championship <br /> The Board considered approving a proclamation recognizing the Carrboro High School <br /> Women's Soccer Team for winning the 2015 State Championship, and authorizing the Chair to <br /> sign the proclamation. <br /> Commissioner Rich read the proclamation: <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> PROCLAMATION OF RECOGNITION ON <br />