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Mark Chilton said the backup system would only allow one week's worth of recording to <br /> ever be lost at one time. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if any additional funding is being spent on security. <br /> Mark Chilton said no. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if there is a back-up with the State server. <br /> Mark Chilton said copies of their records are provided to the State but there is a much <br /> longer lag time. <br /> Jim Northup said there is a multi-layer approach to securing all the electronic <br /> documents. <br /> • County Attorney, Pg. 112 <br /> Christal Sandifer, Budget Management Analyst, reviewed the following information: <br /> Budget Highlights <br /> • The FY15-16 Manager's Recommended Budget includes: <br /> • Estimated County-wide savings of$35,000 annually, due to the implementation of the <br /> electronic signature and routing program for county contracts. <br /> • Operations Decrease: ($11,003) across several accounts to better reflect expected <br /> need <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if there is work still to be done on the living wage issue. <br /> John Roberts, County Attorney, said it was given to the former Assistant County <br /> Manager Cheryl Young for some further research and he believed it should be ready early in <br /> the fall. <br /> • Tax Administration, Pg. 420 <br /> Darrell Butts reviewed the following information: <br /> • The FY15-16 Manager Recommended Budget includes 2.0 FTE (1.0 FTE Revenue <br /> Technician I and 1.0 FTE Revenue Technician 11) in the Collector/Revenue division. The <br /> total cost for these positions is $68,185, including $14,006 in operating expenses and <br /> onetime start-up costs. These positions will be responsible for handling all EMS billing, <br /> as the Tax Administration department is bringing that function back "in-house" (the <br /> service is currently performed by an outside contractor). The positions are <br /> recommended to start on December 1, 2015; this date will give the Tax Administration <br /> office some time to train the new employees before taking over EMS billing (which will <br /> begin on January 1, 2016). <br /> • The FY15-16 Manager Recommended Budget includes an increase in the Collection <br /> Charges and Collections Fees revenue accounts. These revenue accounts were <br /> greatly affected by the changes in RMV billing due to HB1779 during the FY14-15 <br /> budget cycle, but it appears that the decrease in revenues was not as drastic as <br /> originally thought. <br /> Dwane Brinson, Tax Administrator, said under the Personnel line item he had <br /> requested one extra position that was not funded. He said this proposed position would have <br /> handled the tax assistance programs. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said there was no funding source for this position and that it was a <br /> communications position not operational. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if there is a total number of tax assistant programs. <br /> Dwane Brinson said there are close to 90 different ways that a tax bill can be reduced. <br /> He said these programs are located in the State statutes. <br />