Orange County NC Website
Historic Preservation Commission's (HPC) Historic Resources Inventory (Multi-Year <br /> Project): <br /> The FY15-16 Manager's Recommended Budget includes: <br /> • The three-year project will cost $97,500. The County will contribute a total of$40,000; <br /> CLG will contribute $27,500; and private grants, sponsorships and manuscript <br /> purchases will fund the remainder ($30,000). <br /> • The FY15-16 budget totals $20,000; the County will contribute $15,000 and the CLG <br /> will contribute $5,000. The FY14-15 budget totaled $25,000; the County contributed <br /> $10,000 and the CLG grant contributed $15,000. The County's contribution is budgeted <br /> in the Transfers to Other Funds section, of the Recommended Budget. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if there are property owners wanting to sell conservation <br /> easements to Orange County. <br /> David Stancil, DEAPR Director, said there are 44 property owners on the "interest" list <br /> and 12 who want to actively pursue an easement in the near future. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if there is any update regarding Orange Well Net. <br /> David Stancil said Well Net is the County's well observation program and he said the <br /> County is monitoring about 12 wells. He said information is typically presented to the Board in <br /> October. He said it may be 15 years before the data received from this program is of use. He <br /> said updates can be provided to the Board more frequently. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said why does the County have this position if the data cannot <br /> be applied for years to come. <br /> Commissioner Price expressed concern regarding the increase in usage fees for <br /> Community Centers. She said many residents tell her that the current fees are prohibitive for <br /> their budgets so higher fees would be even more unattainable. <br /> David Stancil said this fee change is a change in language only and the rates were <br /> already in place. He said internal analysis has been done with other governmental entities and <br /> Orange County costs are right in line. He said the facilities can be greatly used without being <br /> reserved. He said when one wants exclusive rights to use a facility then the applicable fee <br /> would apply. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin suggested that the Board have further discussion regarding the <br /> Community Center Coordinator proposed position. He said the Rogers Road Community <br /> Center (RRCC) is staffing their own center and running programs successfully. He said the <br /> RRCC is providing services that Orange County would otherwise provide. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the RRCC is an anomalous situation and is an <br /> asymmetrical comparison to the other community centers. He said the Rogers Road residents <br /> wanted to run the Center and agreed to pay for it. He said if Orange County was going to pay <br /> for it then Orange County would run it as it does their other centers. He is not sure how both <br /> can be done simultaneously. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the current model needs to be tweaked. <br /> Commissioner Rich said an update review was not built into the interlocal agreement <br /> with the Rogers Road Community Center but a discussion is needed to gather feedback on <br /> how the Center is doing. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley added that the recommended budget does include the Community <br /> Center Coordinator, who will be a liaison between all the Community Centers and the Board, <br /> providing updates and being a point of contact. <br /> • Human Resources, Pg. 312 (including Non-Departmental Items, Pg. 328) <br />