Minutes 06-04-2015
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 06-04-2015
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9/2/2015 9:09:51 AM
Creation date
9/2/2015 9:08:50 AM
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Agenda - 06-04-2015 - Agenda
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Commissioner Jacobs thanked Dr. Halkiotis for acknowledging the support of the Board <br /> of County Commissioners. He asked if the Manager would look at the salaries of the OCS <br /> Board of Education. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the BOCC continues to fully fund a portion of Communities <br /> in Schools (CIS) for CHCCS. He said OCS took the services provided by Communities in <br /> Schools in house, and wonders why OCS did not ask for the same continued funding from the <br /> BOCC. <br /> Pam Jones said the programs were reviewed and OCS found it was doing much of the <br /> programming already. She said the services were taken in house in order to maintain the <br /> integrity of the programming and to move the programs in a different direction. <br /> Chair Halkiotis said it was a recommendation brought to the OCS Board by Del Burns. <br /> He said an audit of CIS was conducted, at the expense of OCS, and the results were found be <br /> unacceptable. He said it was concluded that CIS was not in the best interest of the students. <br /> He said OCS will be providing the program and will probably provide it better. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if OCS had remained with CIS how much funding would <br /> have been received. <br /> Chair Halkiotis said he did not know but the Board concluded this was the best decision <br /> in the interest of the OCS students. <br /> Pam Jones said it was around $125,000 from the County and now OCS is putting in <br /> that $125,000. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if both school systems had been funded equally for CIS. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the request from CIS for the 2015-16 budget was $102,000, <br /> and the County reduced it per ADM (Average Daily Membership) due to OCS no longer <br /> participating, by $35,200. Commissioner Price said she understood that when CIS received <br /> their funding last year, that $20,000 went to OCS. She said she received this information from <br /> CIS board members. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs said she is the liaison to CIS. She said in the CIS budget <br /> $22,000 went straight to OCS. She said the remaining amount of funding from the BOCC was <br /> for running the program in both districts. She said there was never a definitive split between <br /> the OCS and CHCCS. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if$35,000 goes to the Executive Director's position. <br /> Paul Laughton said yes. He said part of the $102,000 given this year went towards the <br /> Executive Director's salary. He said this year the total funding is reduced by $35,200. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if the number of actual students last year was lower than <br /> the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) projections. <br /> Pam Jones said yes. There were 176 fewer students than projected. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if the reduced number of students affects the OCS <br /> budget. He asked if OCS still receives funding for the 176 students that did not enroll. <br /> Pam Jones said no, the funding is not received if the students do not enroll. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if funding was still received from the BOCC. <br /> Pam Jones said yes, funding is still received from the County. <br /> Chair Halkiotis said it is reflected in the loss of 7 teaching positions. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if the County had not given funding for the 176 students <br /> that never enrolled would the cuts have been greater, and if there is a way to budget for this. <br /> Pam Jones said it affects the allocation of teaching staff, but does not reduce the fixed <br /> costs. She said the loss of students is not from one school but rather spread across the <br /> District. <br /> Chair Halkiotis said this can ultimately lead to the increase in class size. <br />
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