Minutes 05-28-2015
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 05-28-2015
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Last modified
9/2/2015 9:04:48 AM
Creation date
9/2/2015 9:03:52 AM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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Agenda - 05-28-2015 - Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2015\Agenda - 05-28-2015 - Budget Public Hearing
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How can a BUDGET CUT benefit our children in any way? Parents are providing <br /> snacks, many supplies, volunteering, fund raising all to make their children's schools a <br /> success and give their hard working dedicated teachers, administrators, staff , and all <br /> the cheerful supporting staff that watch, teach and care for our children in this very <br /> SPECIAL PART OF NORTH CAROLINA. Carrboro and Chapel Hill can only be <br /> considered some kind of wonderful!! Teachers salaries need BOOSTING NOT <br /> BURSTING!! Don't drive the teachers elsewhere - elevate and revere them because <br /> they are shaping our children's minds and at least for 7 + hours a day their attitudes!! <br /> Please support the budget the Board has proposed. Propose more tax dollars for <br /> education and teachers salaries - it's needed. <br /> Signed One Very Proud and Enthused Grandmother!!! <br /> Sent from my iPhone <br /> • Dear Orange County Commissioners and Ms. Hammersley: <br /> As you work on the budget for FY2015-16, could you take another look at the <br /> recommended allocation for Communities In Schools of Orange County? <br /> The 2014-15 allocation of$102K was cut by nearly $40K for FY2015-16. We would like <br /> to ask you to reconsider the allocation for CIS Orange and give back the $102K. <br /> Even with the pulling out of Orange County Schools, we plan to serve roughly the same <br /> number of students in Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools. <br /> This past year we served 310-345 students from both districts and over 50% of the <br /> students were on free or reduced lunch. All of the students who are referred to us by <br /> their social workers and/or teachers will be given priority enrollment in the CIS <br /> afterschool program during the 2015-16 school year. <br /> Even though the $22K portion of the $102K was disbursed by us to Orange County <br /> Schools for its own afterschool programs, we could use this portion to help even more <br /> low-income students in CHCCS, who otherwise will be placed on a waiting list, which in <br /> turn means they will not get the services that they need to help them stay in school. <br /> With gratitude for your past support, my hands are folded for your continuing support, <br /> For the kids, <br /> Sarah Shapard <br /> • Dear Commissioners, <br /> My son is a first grade student in Chapel Hill. I am writing to encourage you to find a <br /> way to give full funding to the school systems in Orange County and Chapel Hill and <br /> Carrboro. Good teachers and teacher's assistants are what make a school a success <br /> and give our children the best chance to thrive. Without strong leadership and teaching <br /> support in the classrooms our children's opportunity to learn and grow is impacted. <br /> Please find a way to fund our schools. I can't think of anything more important than the <br /> way we educate our children. I know that you are in a difficult position and I appreciate <br /> that. But, I also believe that you are intelligent individuals with a capacity to think outside <br /> the box and to work together to find solutions. Good luck with your work in this matter. <br /> Please do your best to find a way to fully fund our schools. <br />
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