like to, first and foremost, really just address the findings of fact. They may be listed in your
<br /> packets on a certain page. I know your packets are pretty full. But on our narrative, they were
<br /> on the second page of our narrative. In number one, there was the Public Health Safety and
<br /> Welfare. We are proposing a school, there's nothing dangerous about the use as a school.
<br /> You know some may say, "well you're going to bring a school into a community." Sometimes if
<br /> it's a new use, you may worry about crime and children's safety, etc. The fact that the School
<br /> has been there since '87 1 think speaks to the fact that the use as a school on this property is
<br /> not a concern, or it's not an adverse impact, so the Public Health Safety and Welfare of the
<br /> general public surrounding. Like I said, the DOT comments and concerns were the biggest item
<br /> to address, which we have done. And you should see their approval. I think in the email they
<br /> have said they are okay with us to proceed on to a more detailed site plan level.
<br /> The next finding of fact was that the "use would maintain, or enhance, the value of contiguous
<br /> properties." I will let Mr. Vick Knight speak to that effect. I would say our thought all along, as
<br /> we developed this master plan, was we definitely didn't want to get to this point and say, well
<br /> somebody say, "it's going to affect my property in an adverse way." But our thinking the whole
<br /> time, and our justification would be that I'm sure several houses in that area have sold since the
<br /> use of the property in '87, and there's nothing new. It's just an expansion of an existing use. So
<br /> it's not a new use on a new site, but an existing use.
<br /> Lastly, "that the location and character of the use if developed as approved, or submitted, would
<br /> be in harmony with the area in which it's to be located." I would say that and you know, again —
<br /> the fact that it's an existing school, and it's been used as that since—going on thirty years now
<br /> —would speak to the fact that it's in harmony with the area. And per Mr. Viles presentation,
<br /> you'll see that they try to blend in with their existing environment, with the master planning and
<br /> with the previous development. With the way the School is formatted and just go in and blanket
<br /> grade the whole site or masquerade the whole site. It's a right steep topography in that area,
<br /> and they went in and just blended with the environment,just like their surrounding residential
<br /> homes and subdivisions that are in there. Like I said, we have also spoken to the specific
<br /> standards of evaluation, and I'd be happy, at the conclusion, to address any questions you may
<br /> have regarding that. Usually schools are somewhat challenging sometimes, when you go into
<br /> an area but the fact that this is an existing use helps cover a lot of that ground, in my opinion.
<br /> So, with that said, I did have the map shown and along with several other colored versions
<br /> along with the traffic plan, since your prints are not in color, and because of the legibility, may be
<br /> diminished. Should you have questions, I can scroll to those, and I would additionally like for
<br /> these PDF versions of this to be entered into the record, as well as everything else we've
<br /> submitted in the staff's packet.
<br /> Pete Hallenbeck: Are there any questions from the Board members, for the applicant? Yes.
<br /> Commissioner Dorosin: Other than the colors on these, is there anything different than what
<br /> we've already got?
<br /> Chad Abbott: No, Sir. We thought it best to— and in case some of the public had questions of
<br /> what's new, what's not. So on —what the screen you have before you, the red buildings are the
<br /> new buildings. We put a legend on the side of the plans for you guys to see what was
<br /> proposed. They're labeled P buildings, E is for existing. And this is just a colored version of
<br /> what you had to help with the Public and anybody else that had any questions.
<br />