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Bonnie Hammersley said as these discussions occur, DSS will continue to be included. <br /> Chair McKee asked Jim Groves if shelters are part of the County emergency plan. <br /> Jim Groves said the issue of sheltering is being addressed by the County Emergency <br /> Operations Plan. He said sheltering involves a wide variety of factors: the weather, the length <br /> of the outage or event, access, etc. He added sometimes sheltering in place may be a better <br /> option. <br /> Chair McKee asked if the Emergency Services Plan is available electronically to be <br /> sent to the Board. <br /> Jim Groves said it is an internal document but he will gladly provide it electronically to <br /> the Board. <br /> Orange County Radio/Paging Systems Upgrade (CIP page 40) <br /> Paul Laughton said three radio towers will be looked at, over the next three years. <br /> Communication System Improvements (CIP page 41) <br /> Paul Laughton said these are various pieces of equipment and items that have been <br /> replaced. He said radios have been replaced this year. <br /> Chair McKee asked if the new software in the 911 Dispatch Center is working properly. <br /> Jim Groves said the CAD system is working very well, but still not quite 100 percent. <br /> He said it is a map based system, and if the Center is provided faulty address information, it <br /> may lead to an error. He said response times have been remarkably reduced. <br /> Special Revenue Projects (Article 46 Sales Tax Projects) <br /> The Special Revenue section includes anticipated revenue from the Article 46 (1/4 <br /> cent) Sales Tax, with 50% of the proceeds for Economic Development initiatives and 50% for <br /> Education (allocated by the ADM count of the two school districts). In FY 2015-16, proceeds <br /> are estimated at $2,814,576, with 1.5% growth assumed in subsequent years. A summary is <br /> provided within the Special Revenue Projects section of the document listing the <br /> recommended uses of these proceeds. <br /> Paul Laughton said the Special Revenue Projects starts on page 62 and it breaks down <br /> the initiatives for the Economic Development section, which is estimated to receive $1.4 <br /> million. <br /> He said there are there are seven initiatives for Economic Development, with broken down <br /> budgeting, on page 62. He said 60 percent is marked for Debt Service, especially on water <br /> and sewer projects. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said there is a line in the CIP for facility improvements at <br /> schools, and asked if this could be explained. <br /> Paul Laughton said typically the Article 46 monies are used for technology. He said the <br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS) have decided to put about half of their share of <br /> the monies towards improvements in older schools. <br /> Chair McKee asked Steve Brantley, Orange County Economic Development Director, if <br /> it is possible to start accepting applications for the Agriculture and Business Grant Programs. <br /> Steve Brantley said both the Business and Agricultural Investment grants are being <br /> heavily marketed. He said the response has not met expectations, and the guidelines are <br /> being reviewed and presented to the Orange County Economic Development Advisory Board <br /> next week. He said the subcommittee for the Agricultural Business Grant Program will also <br /> review the guidelines. <br /> Steve Brantley said Yvonne Scarlett, Business Retention Manager, has given out <br /> almost 200 applications; and 13 people have expressed an interest in applying, while only two <br />