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4 <br /> within the EDE-2 general use zoning district in accordance with Section 5.2 Table of Permitted <br /> Uses of the UDO. Such a land use, however, is not permitted within the EDE-1 general use <br /> district. <br /> Currently, the EDE-1 and EDE-2 zoning district boundaries do not coincide with existing lot lines <br /> creating problems for the property owner with respect to compliance with established landscape <br /> standards as well as limiting the ability to integrate supporting uses. Please refer to the vicinity <br /> map within Attachment 2 for additional detail. Approval of the zoning atlas amendment would <br /> align the EDE-2 zoning district boundaries with the boundaries of the recorded lot and allow for <br /> the proposed expansion. <br /> It should be noted that further development of the property would be required to comply with <br /> established land use buffers, including the 100 ft. perimeter EDD buffer required under Section <br /> 6.8.12 (C) (1) of the UDO along the eastern property line, as well as applicable setbacks/land <br /> use buffers from NC 751 and the existing railroad right-of-way. Approval of the zoning atlas <br /> amendment would not eliminate the applicant's responsibility to apply for a Zoning Compliance <br /> Permit to allow for the expansion as required within Section 2.5 of the UDO. <br /> Staff Analysis: In accordance with Section 2.8 of the UDO, the Planning Director is required to <br /> cause an analysis to be made of the application'and pass that analysis on the reviewing body. <br /> In that respect the Planning Director states the following: <br /> 1. The application has been deemed complete in accordance with the requirements of <br /> Section 2.8 of the UDO. <br /> 2. The property is of sufficient size, and location, to be rezoned to EDE-2. <br /> 3. The request will allow for the logical extension of the EDE-2 zoning district. <br /> 4. The proposal is consistent with the Orange County 2030 Comprehensive Plan Future <br /> Land Use Map (FLUM) and the Eno EDD Small Area Plan. <br /> 5. The site has no environmental encumbrances or significant features. Note, however, <br /> the site was designated as "Resource Protection" on the Future Land Use Map <br /> because it had been a portion of Duke Forest. It was sold by the University because it <br /> does not contain any resources value and is physically separated from the remainder of <br /> Duke Forest properties by the Southern Railroad. <br /> 6. The proposed zoning would complement the existing adjacent uses. <br /> 7. Staff is supportive of eliminating the split zoning of the property, which creates zoning, <br /> land use, enforcement and permitting difficulties. The request is also consistent with <br /> the adopted Comprehensive Plan and Eno EDD Small Area Plan. <br /> Notification Procedural Requirements: In accordance with Section 2.8.7 of the UDO, the public <br /> hearing for this item was advertised consistent with the requirements of the UDO. Legal ads <br /> were placed in two newspapers of general circulation in the County for two (2) successive <br /> weeks; notices were mailed to property owners within 500-feet of affected properties; and a sign <br /> was posted on the US Highway 70 frontage of the affected property in accordance with <br /> applicable regulations. Attachment 3 includes the following: <br /> • A copy of notification letters for property owners within 500-feet of subject property; <br /> and <br /> • An affidavit attesting to the mailing of the notification materials. <br />