Orange County NC Website
0 <br />N.C. Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) <br />~ ~Jordh Carolina <br />1-..~~i~ t~ ~ <br />Overview: The North Carolina General Assembly established the Parks and <br />Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) on July 16, 1994 to fund improvements in the <br />state's park system, to fund grants for local governments and to increase the public's <br />access to the state's beaches. The Parks and Recreation Authority, afifteen- <br />member appointed board, was also created to allocate funds from PARTF to the <br />state parks and to the grants program for local governments. <br />PARTF is the primary source of funding, to build and renovate facilities in the state <br />parks as well as to buy land for new and existing parks. <br />The PARTF program also provides dollar-for-dollar grants to local governments. <br />Recipients use the grants to acquire land and/or to develop parks and recreational <br />projects that serve the general public. At this website, you can learn how to apply for <br />a grant, see lists of past grant recipients and download an application. You can also <br />learn about the Parks and Recreation Authority and how to contact us. <br />The trust fund is allocated three ways: <br />65 percent to the state parks through the N.C. Division ol~ Parks and Recreation. <br />0 30 percent as dollar-for-dollar matching grants to local governments for park and <br />recreation purposes. <br />• 5 perce~it for the Coastal and Estuarine Water Access Program. <br />The 15-member Parks and Recreation Authority, meeting quarterly, makes decisions <br />on how money from the PARTF is allocated. The authority is comprised of five <br />members, including the chairperson, appointed by the Governor and 10 members <br />appointed by the General Assembly. Members are appointed for three-year terms <br />and may serve no more than two consecutive three-year terms. <br />