Agenda - 09-01-2015 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-01-2015 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 09-01-2015 - 7a
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Last modified
8/31/2015 8:59:46 AM
Creation date
8/31/2015 8:59:28 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 09-01-2015
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9 <br /> Recommendations and Next Steps <br /> 1. Internalize the Pretrial and Drug Court Programs under the direction of the County Manager <br /> The data as well as perspectives from stakeholders support internalizing both of the existing jail <br /> alternative programs under the direction of the County Manager. Internalization provides long term <br /> stability and demonstrates the County's sustained commitment to jail alternative programming. The <br /> programs would also benefit from gaining access to the County's infrastructure and depth of <br /> resources in the form of oversight, information technology, and physical plant. The Adopted Budget <br /> has already authorized the creation of three positions to support jail alternative programming, so no <br /> additional position authority needs to be approved. <br /> The data and perspectives of stakeholders also support the creation of a separate division or <br /> department reporting to the County Manager. While the Sheriff's Office has been open to <br /> supervising the program, concerns raised primarily by the defense bar may impair the perceived <br /> independence of the program and impact participation. As required by the FY 15-16 Budget <br /> Ordinance, the question of organizational structure should be revisited over time as the program <br /> matures and programming evolves. <br /> 2. Recruit and Hire a Criminal Justice Resource Manager <br /> A recruitment has been initiated by the County Manager's Office for the Criminal Justice Resource <br /> Manager. Given the collaboration and shared trust that is required for a successful program,the <br /> users of the services should take an active role in the recruitment process. An interdisciplinary team <br /> should be assembled to oversee the recruitment and to make a hiring recommendation to the <br /> County Manager. <br /> Once the Criminal Justice Resource Manager is selected, that person will be charged with <br /> coordinating an open, competitive recruitment for the Pretrial Services Coordinator and the Drug <br /> Court Coordinator consistent with County hiring practices. Individuals currently under contract to <br /> provide these services are eligible to apply for any of the positions. <br /> 3. Begin Procuring Appropriate Information Technology Resources <br /> As a County department,the staff will have access to the County's enterprise financial and payroll <br /> systems for financial management. The County should also begin the process of identifying business <br /> processes and data needs to procure case management software. <br /> 4. Remodel Offices to Create Appropriate Office Space <br /> The County will need to provide appropriate office space and employee access for program staff. <br /> Space is available on the lower level of the Courthouse that is capable of housing all three staff and <br /> features a private restroom that could be used for specimen collection. The County should proceed <br /> with remodeling the area to provide appropriate office space to house staff and serve clients. <br /> 5. Create an Advisory Board <br /> Consistent with the best practice research, the County should also create an interdisciplinary <br /> advisory board to provide guidance on policies, help set priorities, and establish performance goals. <br /> The Advisory Board should include all of the partners in the criminal justice system. <br /> Page 1 6 <br />
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