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13 <br /> 1 • There are currently no standards for emergency access for trail systems in the UDO. <br /> 2 • Draft goal and objectives (Attachment 1) could be implemented as a matter of County <br /> 3 policy for the planning and development of future parks or for incorporation into the <br /> 4 UDO. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Recommendations <br /> 7 The Planning Director recommends the Board: <br /> 8 1. Accept the update; <br /> 9 2. Discuss any concerns or preferences on options; and <br /> 10 3. With feedback, authorize staff to proceed with potential regulatory amendments <br /> 11 <br /> 12 Chair McKee asked if Emergency Services Director Jim Groves could address the <br /> 13 concerns of the fire departments, with the existing road standards. <br /> 14 Jim Groves said when they met with the Fire Chiefs Council, getting down the private <br /> 15 roads in a safe manner was one of the main concerns. He said there has been the same issue <br /> 16 with ambulances, if a road has low hanging trees. <br /> 17 Jason Shepherd, Orange County Fire Marshal, made reference to Class 10 properties. <br /> 18 He said he attended a community meeting with a development, which ended up making a road <br /> 19 name change, doing maintenance on the road and surrounding trees, making it easier to <br /> 20 ingress and egress. He said it is difficult to meet with all communities and encourage them to <br /> 21 make the necessary changes. <br /> 22 Chair McKee asked if there is a definition of a driveway. He said homes must be <br /> 23 accessible. <br /> 24 Michael Harvey, Current Planning Supervisor, said the recommendation would involve a <br /> 25 driveway standard being adopted; to provide access, a staging area, and to guarantee a turn <br /> 26 around. He said to achieve this; a text amendment would have to be done. <br /> 27 Michael Harvey said any subdivision project, reviewed by staff, must demonstrate <br /> 28 compliance with code. He said all shared driveway agreements are also reviewed. <br /> 29 Chair McKee said it would technically be the same as what he dealt with, but with the <br /> 30 cul- de-sacs it says there is no current minimum width. He said he believed a 60-foot radius to <br /> 31 be required. <br /> 32 Michael Harvey said there is currently a minimum width; however, there is not a <br /> 33 minimum clearing outside of the travel way, and often vegetation gets in the way of the turn <br /> 34 radius. He said twelve feet is not acceptable, and the goal is to come up with a standard that is <br /> 35 acceptable. <br /> 36 Commissioner Price asked if there is an advantage of three lots as opposed to two lots, <br /> 37 and what a shared driveway would be like, since it must be wide enough for vehicles to pass <br /> 38 on. <br /> 39 Abigaile Pittman said the original purpose of the standard was to call for an affordable <br /> 40 option before people spend monies on a Class A Road, and that is how the number of three lots <br /> 41 was determined. <br /> 42 Commissioner Price asked how the driveway is built and maintained. <br /> 43 Chair McKee said in his case he built the road, and when the homeowners bought the <br /> 44 lots they took responsibility for the maintenance. He said it was a Class B road. <br /> 45 Commissioner Price asked if there is a difference between a really wide driveway and a <br /> 46 Class B road. <br /> 47 Michael Harvey said a Class B road must have a minimum travel width of twelve feet. <br /> 48 Commissioner Price asked if this road would be twelve feet. <br /> 49 Michael Harvey said a larger road will likely be recommended, based on the <br /> 50 recommendation of First Responders; who say twelve feet is not viable for their needs. He said <br />