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DocuSign Envelope ID:9141986F-1 B82-40FD-B364-5C818EBODBD6 <br /> calculated in the previous task. Therefore it is likely that a number of iterations will be conducted in <br /> order to refine the cash flow analysis reflecting the capital improvement needs. <br /> Deliverable: Memoranda as appropriate; results will be included in the Impact Fee reports. <br /> TASK 10: COMPLETE IMPACT FEE METHODOLOGIES AND CALCULATION <br /> The completion of the above tasks will enable the impact fee methodologies to be appropriately and <br /> equitably determined and finalized. The impact fee that results from this methodology will be the <br /> maximum legally defensible fee for new development in the two Orange County school districts that <br /> could be charged while meeting all the statutory requirements for impact fees. (The County will <br /> subsequently decide what percentage of the maximum justifiable fee it wants to charge.) <br /> Deliverable: Impact Fee reports (see below). <br /> TASK 11. PREPARE SCHOOL IMPACT FEE REPORTS <br /> We will prepare a draft report for each district (two reports) that summarize the basis and need for the <br /> impact fees for both school districts and which provides the relevant methodologies employed and <br /> documents all assumptions and cost factors. The report will include at a minimum the following <br /> information: <br /> • Executive Summary <br /> • A detailed description of the methodologies used during the study <br /> • A detailed description of all level of service standards and cost factors used and accompanying <br /> rationale <br /> • A detailed schedule of all proposed fees listed by land use type and activity meeting the <br /> requirements of impact fees. <br /> • Summary of capital improvement needs generated by the projected development <br /> • Other information which adequately explains and justifies the resulting recommended fee <br /> schedule <br /> Following the County's review of the draft report (including review and feedback from Task 12), we will <br /> make mutually agreed upon changes and issue the final impact fee report. <br /> TischlerBise's fee report will have diagrams clearly indicating methodologies and approach, a series of <br /> tables for each activity showing all of the data assumptions and figures, and a narrative explaining all of <br /> the data assumptions, sources and the methodologies. The report will be a stand-alone document <br /> clearly understood by interested parties. Because of the firm's extensive experience in calculating <br /> impact fees and preparing such reports, we have developed a succinct written product that leaves a <br /> well-understood paper trail. <br /> 8 <br />