Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:9141986F-1 B82-40FD-B364-5C818EBODBD6 <br /> SCOPE F WORK <br /> Phase 1. Stu inn Geineiratioin Flat in 11 i i Ir Use Ii ri m <br /> ,Iii„ „P�, „I,,,,,, „ii ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,lll,,,,,, , ,,,,, , ,llr ,Iii„ , ,,,,,............II , „III.ysil, .' <br /> TASK 1:PROJECT INITIATION <br /> During this task, we will meet with County staff to establish lines of communication, review and discuss <br /> project goals and policies related to the project, review the project schedule, and revise if necessary, <br /> and discuss data and documentation requested. This trip will include relevant meetings with School staff <br /> as well to discuss enrollment trends and capital projects. The specifics of this initial discussion are <br /> outlined below: <br /> Policy Discussion. Our team will identify any major technical and policy issues related to the existing fee <br /> structure. <br /> Data Request. TischlerBise will request relevant data for the study. This will include housing unit and <br /> current enrollment GIS data (see Task 2), historical and projected enrollment, School Operating and <br /> Capital Budgets, debt service schedules, other relevant reports/planning documents. We will provide a <br /> detailed data request memorandum prior to the initial meeting. <br /> /Meetings: One (1) trip; meetings with County and School staff. <br /> Deliverables: 1) Data request memorandum; 2) Revised project schedule, if necessary. <br /> TASK 2:DATA COLLECTION <br /> The purpose of this task is to obtain data and documentation related to the project to include the <br /> following elements: <br /> • Obtain housing unit data from each Town (Chapel Hill and Carrboro) and Orange County for all <br /> housing unit stock, classified by type with number of bedrooms and size where available. (Note: <br /> For Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS), data will reflect housing units located in Chapel <br /> Hill and Carrboro and the portion of Orange County that falls within CHCCS. For Orange County <br /> Schools, building permit data will include those units permitted in the County and the Town of <br /> Hillsborough within the Orange County School System.) <br /> o Note: Where data is not available on bedroom count and size of housing units, <br /> TischlerBise will use data from the Student Generation Study to identify a statistical <br /> relationship between size(square footage) and bedroom count by type of unit. <br /> • Obtain student address data from each School District. (Data should indicate grade level (or type <br /> of school).) <br /> • Coordinate with County on County research on comparable age-restricted communities in other <br /> nearby counties for student generation rate data. <br /> • Identify any initial issues with data. <br /> 3 <br />