Agenda - 12-03-2007-3d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-03-2007
Agenda - 12-03-2007-3d
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Last modified
9/1/2008 10:56:19 PM
Creation date
8/28/2008 10:34:12 AM
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Agenda Item
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RES-2007-085 Contribution of Funds Land Acquisition & AcceptConservation Easement Eno River Assoc
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2007
S ECD - Eno River Association purchase of Eno Confluence property & conservation easement
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2007
S Warranty Deed of Conservation Easement Eno Confluence Property
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\Board of County Commissioners\Various Documents\2000 - 2009\2007
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i~ <br />Eno Confluence Conservation Easement Nov. 13, 2007 draft (BOCC) <br />(2) the Land Use Element of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan (adopted <br />September 2, 1981 as amended) with its goal of conserving and protecting Orange County's <br />significant "Resource Protection Areas" from adverse development impacts, including county <br />natural areas, wildlife corridors and lands placed by individual property owners into conservation <br />easements; and <br />(3) the Orange County Lands Legacy Action Plan, which was adopted by the <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners on September 12, 20076, and which recognizes the <br />need to protect riparian buffers in the critical area of the Upper Eno protected watershed; and <br />(4) the protection of similar Orange County properties designed to protect <br />conservation and open space values through conservation easements granted to the Grantee and <br />others in the immediate vicinity of the Easement Area; and <br />(5) NCGS § 139-2 et seq., which provides that "it is hereby declared ...that the <br />farm, forest and grazing lands of the State of North Carolina are among the basic assets of the <br />State and the preservation of these lands is necessary to protect and promote the health, safety <br />and general welfare of its people... it is hereby declared to be the policy of the legislature to <br />provide for the conservation of the soil and resources of this State"; and <br />(6) Article 17 of the North Carolina General Statutes NCGS 113A-240-241, <br />entitled Conservation, Farmland and Open Space Protection and Coordination, otherwise known <br />as the "Million Acre Initiative," which states that the State of North Carolina shall encourage, <br />facilitate, plan, coordinate, and support appropriate federal, State, local, and private land <br />protection efforts so that an additional one million acres of farmland, open space and <br />conservation lands in the State are permanently protected by December 31, 2009; and <br />(7) the Clean Water Management Trust Fund, authorized by NCGS § 113A-251 <br />et seq., which finances projects to acquire land and interests in land, including conservation <br />easements for the purposes of providing environmental protection for surface waters and urban <br />drinking water supplies; and <br />(8) the Soil and Water Conservation Districts Act, authorized by NCGS § 139-1, <br />et seq.,, which provides for the preservation of farm, forest and grazing lands; and <br />(9) the zoning of the property by Orange County as Agricultural Residential. <br />D. The characteristics and conservation values of the Easement Area, its current use <br />and state of improvement, are described in a report entitled "Baseline Report for the Stollings <br />Property," dated 2008 (hereafter "the Baseline Report") prepared by Orange <br />County ERCD for the Grantor, of which a summary is attached as Exhibit B to this Conservation <br />Easement. The Grantor worked with the Grantee to ensure that the report is a complete and <br />accurate description of the Easement Area as of the date of this Conservation Easement. It will <br />be used by the Grantor and Grantee to assure that any future changes in the use of the Easement <br />Page 3 of 17 <br />
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