Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:99C9F1BE-6EF7-45DE-BDBD-4B6928396A96 <br /> COMMUNITY HOUDING DEVELOPMENT <br /> ORGANIZATiON ('011DO") AGREEMENT <br /> 'under the <br /> Orange County HOME .Investment Partnership Prograin <br /> This is axi AC'rREEMENJ' between ORANGE COUNTY, a body politic and corporate, a <br /> political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, (hereinafter reficrred to as the "Coluaty") and <br /> Community Alternatives for Supportive Abodes, a North Carolina rion-profit corporation <br /> designated as a C',onnnunity Ho-using Development Organization under the FIOME hivestn'lerit <br /> Partnership Pro&i-ani and hereinafter referred to as "CHDO". The ctlectIve date of this <br /> agreernetit is June, l Tli's Agreement shall supercede any and all agreements between <br /> tl.,icse pat-ties. <br /> WITH ESSE TIJ.: <br /> WHEREAS, the County has, entered into art Agreement to 17CCCiVe funds under the <br /> HOME Investment Partnerships, Pro&p-an:) (hereinatter called the ':'HOME" Program) from the <br /> US Department of Housing and U'ri-mi'i Development (hereinafter called 1,11 JD"); and <br /> WHEREAS, the County has set aside a portion of its IfOME' Program ftinds for <br /> Corm-nunity Housing Developinctit Organizations ((.`11DOs) irl accordance with the National <br /> Affbi-dable Housing Act of 1990�, as aniended, (hereinafter called the "ACT"); and <br /> WHEREAS, the COLInty has designated the above reamed organization as a ConrIML1,11ity <br /> (lousing Developnient Organization or CHDO pursuant to FIUD 'rule 24 CFR Part 92 which <br /> sets forth regulations to implernent the HOME Prograrn; and <br /> WHEREAS, the County desires to engage the CHDO to render certain assistance as an. <br /> CHDO, sponsor or developer of laousing in conformance with 24 CFR Part 92; <br /> NOW, rFu�,,iZ.EFOJ.U,, the parties hereto do herebyagree as follows: <br /> A. USE OF HOME FUNDS: <br /> I. The CHDO shall propose pro.jects, which ineet, IIOME' requirements acrd confibrni to <br /> the County's Consolidated Plan. <br /> 2. The County, at its diserction, shall allocate HOMI funds to the C.HDO including all <br /> or any part of any CHDO set-aside, in amounts dcteraiincd appropriate by the Counity <br /> to best ineetHOME progran'i ob�jectives. <br /> 3. In accordance with IlUD guidelines, allocations of II.OME flinds to a CHDO: may <br /> take otle or inore of these forms: project assistance (interest bearing loans, no-interest <br /> bearing loans, detbrred payinent, loans, advances, 'Interest subsidies, grants as well as <br />