Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: B9586FD4-5663-4F3F-8147-A6259742B4B5 <br /> CLAIM and shall be deemed to have been made 1. properly train, hire, supervise, discipline or termi- <br /> when the first of such CLAIMS is made. Any ac- nate any employee; <br /> tual or alleged related, continuing or repeated <br /> WRONGFUL ACTS, including, but not limited to, 2. properly control, monitor or supervise the treat- <br /> SEXUAL MISCONDUCT, shall be deemed to ment or actions of any client, patient or other per- <br /> son whose care or custody has been entrusted to <br /> have been committed when the first of any <br /> the Named Insured; <br /> such actual or alleged WRONGFUL ACTS was <br /> committed. 3. properly place with, or remove from, the care, <br /> 6. The following is added to SECTION VII— custody, treatment or supervision of a third party <br /> DEFINITIONS: of any client, patient or other person; or <br /> SEXUAL MISCONDUCT means any action or behav- 4. properly or fully inform any person or entity of the <br /> ior, or any physical contact or touching, which is in- background, prior history or propensity of any in- <br /> tended to lead to, or which culminates in any sexual dividual whose care, custody, treatment or super- <br /> act, by or against any client, patient, or any other per- vision has been entrusted to the Named Insured <br /> son whose care, custody, treatment or supervision or to a third party at the request or based on the <br /> has been entrusted to the Named Insured, whether advice of the Named Insured. <br /> committed by, caused by or contributed to by any in- <br /> sured or which is caused by or contributed to by the <br /> failure of any insured to: <br /> F <br /> CLS-401s(7-07) Page 2 of 2 <br />