Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: B3F2DE33-B038-4BE5-825E-715B2AB5F376 <br /> IMPORTANT NOTE:For the purpose of this contract,the region to be included in the <br /> analysis is defined as the geographic region that includes Orange County. <br /> AMERICANS FOR THE ARTS' PROPRIETARY ECONOMIC ANALYSIS <br /> Input-output analysis will be used to determine the economic impact findings for Orange County. <br /> An input-output model is a system of mathematical equations that combine statistical methods <br /> and economic theory in an area of economic study called econometrics. It is based on a matrix <br /> which tracks the dollar flows between 533 finely detailed industries within your community and <br /> allows researchers to determine the economic impact of local spending on jobs,household <br /> income, and government revenue. Our economist will customize an econometric input-output <br /> model to reflect the unique economy of Orange County. In addition to your survey results,this <br /> economic model will include wage, labor, and commerce data from local, state and federal <br /> government sources. Input-output modeling is a widely-accepted methodology has been the basis <br /> for two Nobel prizes in economics. The overall Arts &Econon is Prosperity©methodology has <br /> been reviewed and approved in the past by economists from Bank of America and by the White <br /> House Council of Economic Advisors. <br /> Your customized input-output model will be designed to measure the direct, indirect, and induced <br /> economic impacts of expenditures by your cultural organizations and their audiences.More <br /> specifically,the model will calculate the economic impacts resulting from the direct expenditures <br /> made by the nonprofit arts organizations and their audiences(i.e., direct impacts), as well as the <br /> economic impact of those dollars as they are being re-spent in the region's economy(i.e., indirect <br /> and induced impacts). How can a dollar be"re-spent?"Consider this example: <br /> A nonprofit arts organization located in Orange County purchases several gallons of paint <br /> from a local hardware store for$200,and the hardware store allocates some of that money to <br /> pay its employees.But then,the hardware store re-spends some of the money to purchase <br /> goods and services from other businesses located in the community(for example, it pays the <br /> electric bill and the rent bill, and it purchases supplies to re-stock the shelves).Those <br /> businesses,in turn,spend a portion of the money to do the same. In addition,the hardware <br /> store uses a portion of the money to pay its employees,who then re-spend some of the money <br /> at the grocery store;the grocery store uses some to pay its cashier;the cashier spends some on <br /> rent; and so on. <br /> Thus,the initial$200 expenditure by the theater company was followed by several additional <br /> rounds of spending(by the hardware store and its employees,the grocery store and its employees, <br /> and so on). The economic impact of the theater company's initial$200 expenditure is the direct <br /> economic impact. The economic impacts of the subsequent rounds of spending that take place in <br /> Orange County are the indirect and induced impacts. The total impact is the sum of the direct <br /> impacts plus all indirect and induced impacts. <br /> Our economist's model measures the impact of the initial expenditure as well as each additional <br /> round of spending until the all of the dollars spent by the arts organizations and their audiences <br /> have leaked out of the local economy. How does money"leak"out of the local economy? To <br /> continue the example above: <br /> The hardware store spent a portion of the$200 to pay the sales clerk's salary.But another <br /> portion of the$200 was paid to the paint distributor who supplied the paint to the store. <br /> Because the distributor is located outside of the local community,that portion of the$200 has <br /> no impact on Orange County's economy—instead,that portion of the initial expenditure is <br /> considered to have"leaked"from the local economy. <br /> 3 <br />