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DocuSign Envelope ID: 316CF52D-36A5-4EEC-A194-3625F55E259C <br /> 5. Facilitate meetings between Architects/Developers and the Orange County Planning <br /> Department to address the feasibility of building out current and future models of senior <br /> housing. <br /> 6. Attend weekly meetings between Mary Fraser, Director of Orange County's Aging Transitions <br /> Program and Janice Tyler, Director of Orange County Department on Aging to ensure project <br /> direction, progress and timeline are moving forward per overall project goals. <br /> 7. Plan and implement a community based housing EXPO event. Prepare report on lessons <br /> learned. <br /> 8. Supervise two-six public health students as they conduct community based research on long <br /> term care and senior housing. <br /> 9. Begin a new project to disseminate information about Department on Aging services to the <br /> medical community, with the aim of increasing referrals to community services and improving <br /> the transition experience from hospital to home. <br /> 10. Convene key stakeholders to envision and enact Complete Streets in Orange County <br /> Throughout the contract period, a systematic approach will ensure that the major themes and issues <br /> brought forward by all stakeholders are captured and presented to key constituents. The presentations <br /> and written materials will serve to spur further action in Year 3 of the 2012-2017 Master Aging Plan and <br /> will be presented to the OCDoA Advisory Board and the MAP Steering Committee for review and <br /> acceptance. <br /> All the above activities will be performed by Cherie Rosemond, in concert with the mission and <br /> leadership of Orange County's Department on Aging. <br />