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4 <br />Approved S/1/07 <br />Jay Bryan: That may be the best way to address it. This issue affects citizens around you. These are upcoming <br />issues. <br />Renee Price: I'm concerned especially with the Hillsborough Orange County Strategic Growth Plan going forward, <br />the widening of Highway 70. We were talking about community building and I'm seeing community breakdown and <br />staff or the agency is not allowing communities to speak in a timely way. I am in favor of doing something different. <br />Jay Bryan: One option suggested was to discuss these questions or suggestions with the Board of County <br />Commissioners at our meeting on Tuesday, November 13. There were two things; the annexation issue (number 6 <br />on page 54) could be reviewed by the County Aftorney and the idea of transition area planning boards (number 10 on <br />page 55). You had questions about how they might function. I could answer some of these questions. That is an <br />important part of helping individuals in these transition areas whose lives are being affected but have no ability to <br />vote. If you have a transition area board, you could formulate responses to items. It provides a valuable piece to <br />those individuals. I am hearing that it is okay to move this to be heard before the Board of County Commissioners at <br />the joint work session on November 13~. <br />Craufurd Goodwin: There will be a special board meeting for each transition area? <br />Jay Bryan: I'm not sure how that would work. <br />Joel Knight: The board is a nice idea but the ETJ transitional areas should be given a vote. <br />Agenda Item 11: QUARTERLY PUBLIC HEARING REFERRALS <br />a. LAND USE ELEMENT TEXT AMENDMENT -10-YEAR TRANSITION AREAS <br />Presenter: Perdita Holtz <br />Perdita Holtz: Reviewed amendment. <br />Craufurd Goodwin: Is it necessary to do this in advance of the Comprehensive Plan or can we wait? <br />Perdita Holfiz: The reason we are doing this in advance is that the Efland-Mebane plan has been adopted and since <br />the whole comprehensive plan process was derailed, there is desire to move forward on the adopted small area plan. <br />Renee Price: Why can't it happen in the Efland Mebane Small area only? <br />Perdita Holfz: The Land Use Element designates the area as a 10-year transition area so we need to modify the <br />definition because only residential uses are allowed now. The definition would apply to any 10-year transition area of <br />the County. We have written the language so that it applies but you have the other implementing regulations before <br />you could actually do anything. We feel it is a good way to protect the areas around Hillsborough from unintended <br />non-residential uses. <br />Jeffrey Schmitt: What do you mean by protect? <br />Perdita Holtz: Renee had a concern at the Quarterly Public Hearing that she feels that it would allow non-residential <br />uses around Hillsborough which is not the case unless there was a small area plan adopted for the 10-year transition <br />area around Hillsborough and implementing regulations were adopted. <br />Renee Price: Why can't you do it the other way around? <br />Perdita Holtz: It would require an amendment to the Land Use Element map. <br />8 <br />