Orange County NC Website
Page 2 of 3 <br />a <br />Page 45, where is the picture of.the members residences? <br />Page 48, the area that Carrboro annexed is outside of New Hopes 5-mile district which currently would receive a <br />class 10. We have an automatic aid contract with Chapel Hill providing Class 3 protection from them and <br />Carrboro has a Class 4. <br />Page 5i, If there are areas that are 6 - 9 driving miles from a fire station, it would seem reasonable to change the <br />primary fire department. This is about customer service and getting the quickest protection to the citizen of the <br />county. Maybe the maps need to be revisited. <br />Page 52, what needs to be done to get fire hydrants installed along Highway 54? White Cross, Orange Grove <br />and Carrboro can all benefit from this <br />Page 55. fourth paragraph, grammatical error or sentence structure really distracts the reader. Not professional <br />at all. <br />Page 60, Map shows a fire station near St Mary's and Schley roads. Eno has proposed one for that location but it <br />appears to 6e a long ways from coming to fruition. <br />Page 65, Dairyland and Highway 54 do not meet. . <br />Page 67, different symbols used on different maps, no 125 mile circle included. <br />Page 70, Carrboro should be included in the last paragraph to make fire districts easier on the departments and <br />communications <br />Page 74, where is the map? <br />Page 77, Best idea of the whole study, dissolve the Orange County Rescue Squad. It seems to be a constant <br />problem that I hope can be resolved soon. • • . <br />Page 79,1 do not believe that the South Orange rescue squad runs out of 261 South Churton Street <br />Page 89, I need to educated on the IRV program. I don't understand how it can save money sending a <br />paramedic unit and an ambulance back and forth to Duke hospital 5-10 times a day. EMS seems to going <br />through a lot of people by burning them out. Most of them look tired all of the.time and we need about 4 more <br />ambulances per day to keep up with the volume of calls this county is generating. <br />Page 90, why do we not have enough ambulances? Line 25 <br />Page 91, it would seem reasonable to place an ambulance at about every fire station, particularly the outlying <br />districts. Line 24 <br />Page 92, line 26 include UNC campus <br />Page 95, where are the numbers? # of inspections, # of violations, # of plans reviewed, # of acceptance tests, <br />budget, revenue, etc... <br />We should also create a web page showing who plans to purchase what and when <br />Page 96, what about the fire department that are planning on building new stations in the next few years? Efiand, <br />Hillsborough, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Eno ' <br />Page 98, County support staff can help all departments like during the ladder testing. <br />Page 99, tine 15, Hillsborough was left out, Efiand also has a large amount of fire hydrants along Highway 70, <br />The county could assist during the dry hydrant instailatioris with the assistance of a backhoe and buy the pipe in <br />bulk. <br />Highway 54 doesn't go into Chatham County. Line 34 I believe they meant Alamance <br />Page 100, What is a communications specialist? If we get 4 more, can we get some OPS channels monitored <br /> <br />