Orange County NC Website
Page 1 of 1 <br />~Q~~~~ <br />~.:/ <br />Gwen Harvey <br />From: Andy Gates [] <br />Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 200710:03 AM <br />To: Gwen Harvey <br />Cc: Gwen Snowden; Mike Tapp; Brad Allison;; Dan Jones; DAVID ODELL; JEFF <br />BORLAND; Jeff Cabe; KEVIN BROOKS; PETER HALLENBECK; R. Nathan Huey; TOMMY HOLMES; <br />Travis Crabtree; Troy Blalock; Andy Gates <br />Subject: New Microsoft Word Document <br />response to request of recomendation for emergency services study <br />Ms Harvey, <br />We appreciate your attendance and participation in our last meeting (Nov.7). As discussed in <br />that meeting the general consensus from those in attendance was that the Sage Report was at <br />best incomplete and the summary from School of Government was an incorrect interpretation <br />of the information that was included in the Sage Group report. <br />The recommendation being made by the council is that there be a retreat held similar to the <br />one held approximately 12 years ago in which all of the parties involved in emergency services <br />were in attendance. At this event we would recommend that there be an outside facilitator to <br />orchestrate and address the matters of present and future strategic plans. At the conclusion of <br />this meeting there would be a summary of the event that would be forwarded to the Managers <br />office and the BOCC. <br />At the present time we do not have an EM director to implement any plan that might be <br />surmised by another "Study." It is our feeling that we are the organizations that are providing <br />the services and the group is more likely to take ownership of a plan that has been thought <br />through by the providers. We are not opposed to an outside opinion but considering the present <br />situation (EM Director) and the amount of time and funds spent on this project to date with <br />little or no results we believe that this would be the best route at this time. <br />We appreciate pour consideration of this alternate plan. We all want what is best for our citizens <br />and are willing to take those steps to achieve this goal. <br />Sincerely, <br />Chief .Andy Gates <br />VP Orange County <br />Chief Council Association <br />11/14/2007 <br />