Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY FIRE RESCUE STUDY <br />INTRODUCTION <br />1 Tanker -Afire apparatus that is used primarily to haul water for supplying <br />2 pumpers at a fire scene. These units are critical in districts without hydrants. When <br />3 a district has no hydrants, the fire department must supply the water to be used at <br />4 the scene. Tankers are used to shuttle water from designated water points to <br />5 supply the necessary volume of water to suppress the fire. <br />6 <br />7 Water Points -Natural or manmade sources of water of suffia.ent size as to allow fire <br />8 departments to draw water from the sources for fire suppression purposes. These <br />9 serve districts that do not have hydrant systems. <br />9 <br />