Agenda - 11-19-2007-1b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-19-2007
Agenda - 11-19-2007-1b
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9/1/2008 11:48:54 PM
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8/28/2008 10:30:48 AM
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Minutes - 11-19-2007 Late
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c. Proposal should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise <br />description of capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the RFP. Emphasis should be placed on <br />completeness and clarity of content. <br />d. Proposals must be organized in the order in which the requirements are presented in the RFP. <br />All pages of the proposal shall be numbered. Each paragraph in the proposal is to reference <br />the paragraph number of the corresponding section of the RFP. It is also helpful to cite the <br />paragraph number, subletter, and repeat the text of the requirements as it appears in the RFP. If <br />a response covers more than one page, the proposal shall contain a table of contents that cross <br />references the RFP requirements. Information that the Respondent desires to present that does <br />not fall within any of the requirements of the RFP should be inserted at an appropriate place or <br />be attached at the end of the proposal and designated as additional material. Proposals that are <br />not organized in this manner risk elimination from consideration if the evaluators are unable to <br />find where the RFP requirements are specifically addressed. <br />e. Each copy of the proposal should be bound or contained in a single volume where practical. All <br />documentation submitted with the proposal should be contained in that single volume. <br />Ownership of all data, materials and documentation originated and prepared 6r the County <br />pursuant to the RFP shall belong exclusively to the County and be subject to public inspection in <br />accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. Trade secrets or proprietary information <br />submitted by an Respondent shall not be subject to public disclosure under the Freedom of <br />Information Act; however, the Respondent must invoke the protections of the appropriate section <br />of the Code of North Carolina, in writing, either before or at the time the data or other materials to <br />be protected and state the reasons why protection is necessary. The proprietary or trade secret <br />material submitted must be identified by some distinct method such as highlighting or underlining <br />and must indicate only the specific words, figures, or paragraphs that constitute trade secret or <br />proprietary information. The classification of an entire proposal document, line item prices and/or <br />total proposal prices as proprietary or trade secrets is not acceptable and will result in rejection of <br />the proposal. <br />B. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: Proposals should be as thorough and as detailed as possible so that the <br />County may properly evaluate your capabilities to provide the required services. Respondents are <br />required to submit the following information/items as a complete proposal: <br />1.The return of the RFP general information form and addenda, if any, signed and completed as <br />required. <br />2. Describe your organizational approach with respect to the expectations in Section III. What <br />methodology will be utilized and what analysis will be performed? <br />3. Provide a project management schedule for completion of tasks outlined. <br />4. Discuss cost of services for each facet presented in Section III. <br />5. Provide a. detailed list of all hourly rates associated with this proposal. <br />6. Discuss your firm's qualifications and provide the qualification of any staff who would pertorm these <br />services. <br />7. Discuss your firm's knowledge of and experience with local government operations. <br />8. Provide three (3) recent references, similar to Orange County, for whom you have provided the type <br />of services described herein. Include the date(s) services were furnished, the client name, address <br />and the name and phone number of the individual Orange County has your permission to contact. <br />7 <br />
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