Orange County NC Website
New Hope <br />summary <br />The district works mutually between neighboring districts under the multi-department response <br />protocol. The two stations adequately serve the 5 mile accepted range. The property value is <br />about $550,000,000. <br />New Hope has two stations, #1 on Whitfield Road, and #2 on NC 86 South. With 50 to 60 <br />volunteers, 25 to 30 are "active" and reliable. The report cites a map showing the personnel and <br />stations, but does not appear on the document. More 800MIIz radios are required. <br />New Hope is close to I 40, is intersected by State Highway 86, and has rail lines which can lead <br />to accidents and exposure to hazardous materials. New Hope lacks a sufficient hydrant system. <br />The age and capacity of vehicles and equipment are given with a total capacity of 4,000 gallons <br />of water capable to reach structure fires, which meets standards. Station #2 needs renovations. <br />New Hope has an increase in call volume but a decrease in tax revenue. Annexation by Chapel <br />Hill and Carrboro will reduce revenues and effectiveness. <br />The 9S ISO rating can be reduced by certification and documentation of water supply sources <br />and by setting proper resources for responding to week daytime calls. New Hope needs increased <br />assistance with administration. <br />Issues Not Addressed: <br />1. Response times <br />2. Population <br />3. Level of risk <br />4. Adequacy of volunteers and staff <br />5. Population centers and projected growth areas <br />6. Any gaps affecting services and critical areas to be addressed <br />7. Any changes in the facility configuration <br />8. Countywide public education programs on public safety and being self sufficient in disasters <br />9. Identify the population in the unincorporated areas of Orange County served <br />10. Provide an estimated cost (operating and capital) of recommended solutions or alternative <br />solutions proposed <br />11. How the county can involve Fire and Rescue Departments in processes and programs that <br />affect operational issues <br />12. Identify countywide training facility need and specific training standards <br />List of Original Needs <br />a. E, ffectiveness, appropriateness, demand, and response capability: The district works <br />mutually between neighboring districts under the multi-department response protocol. The <br />two stations adequately serve the 5 mile accepted range. <br />b. Strength of current configuration and operations: New Hope has two stations, on #1 <br />Whitfield Road, and #2 on NC 86 South. Station #2 needs renovations. <br />~~~r <br />