2015-390 Planning - City of Durham - Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Local Match for the DCHC MPO Federal Transportation Planning Grants
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2015-390 Planning - City of Durham - Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Local Match for the DCHC MPO Federal Transportation Planning Grants
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Last modified
11/13/2017 10:05:33 AM
Creation date
8/4/2015 2:38:24 PM
Meeting Type
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Agenda Item
Manager signed
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3W <br /> �lann�r) <br /> City of Durham and Orange County <br /> INTER-LOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT <br /> Local Match for the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning <br /> Organization (DCHC MPO) Federal Transportation Planning Grants <br /> _--THIS AGREEMENT, ("Agreement") is made and entered into this the /lay of <br /> �L 2015, between the CITY OF DURHAM, a North Carolina municipal <br /> corporation, (hereinafter "City") and ORANGE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of <br /> North Carolina (hereinafter "County"). This Interlocal Cooperation Agreement is made pursuant <br /> to Article 20 of Chapter 160A of the North Carolina General Statutes. <br /> I. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE. <br /> The City and County are members of the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning <br /> Organization (DCHC MPO) and have entered into agreements with the members of the DCHC <br /> MPO ("member governments") regarding the authority conferred to the DCHC MPO to make <br /> transportation decisions regarding the region covered by the DCHC MPO. <br /> The Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) is the <br /> recipient for Federal transportation funds in our area. Federal legislation designates funds for <br /> planning purposes in addition to highway, transit and multi-modal construction projects. To <br /> receive these planning funds, a local match of twenty percent(20%) of the total project cost must <br /> be provided. The annual budget for the MPO planning program is through the federally <br /> mandated Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) and approved by the MPO Board. Each <br /> MPO member agency's proportionate share of the local match is determined on an annual basis <br /> during the development of the UPWP. The local match shares are determined using population <br /> and number of data collection locations/segments. <br /> The DCHC MPO provides regional transportation planning for the metropolitan planning area. <br /> The MPO fulfills federal mandates for transportation planning, such as developing a Long Range <br /> Transportation Plan, multi-modal transportation planning, congestion management, air quality <br /> analysis, Transportation Improvement Program and distributing and providing oversight of <br /> federal transportation funding, etc. In addition, the MPO manages and/or funds multimodal <br /> projects for the area such as data collection and corridor/sub-area studies,parking studies, travel <br /> behavior studies, transit and rail studies, etc. <br /> The MPO also provides an essential service for its member jurisdictions and agencies through its <br /> transportation planning activities. Federal legislation and the Memorandum of Understanding <br /> (MOU), adopted by the MPO Board on March 12, 2014, require that member jurisdictions <br /> participate in a continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative transportation planning process <br /> through the MPO in order to be eligible to receive federal transportation funding and continue to <br /> implement and support federally funded projects within the metropolitan planning area. The <br /> MPO must provide a 20 percent match necessary to receive federal funding necessary to fulfill <br /> these requirements. The DCHC MPO, in an ongoing manner, authorizes transportation projects <br /> for which federal transportation funds generally provide 80% of the total cost of projects <br /> authorized by the DCHC MPO, while local governments provide the remaining 20% of the total <br /> cost("the local match"). <br />
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