Orange County NC Website
ADOPTED March 27, 2007 <br />d. Seek the installation of a sidewalk alon Ro ers Road <br />g g <br />e. Install the sewer line to the leachate pond in a timely manner <br />f. Work with our transit partners to secure a bus route that serves the <br />Rogers Road neighborhood <br />Be It Further Resolved, that the Board agrees to pursue the following additional <br />actions that were identified in the January 18, 2007 meeting with the historic <br />Rogers Road neighborhood: <br />a. Place large numbers on the side of solid waste vehicles so they can be <br />easily spotted and reported if caught speeding <br />b. Amend contracts with haulers to ensure that tarps cover all loads <br />traveling to and from the transfer station <br />c. Any spilled liquids at the transfer station site will be filtered and <br />diverted to the sewer system <br />d. Modify waste hauling agreements to include a requirement to maintain <br />all factory installed collection vehicle body plugs and seals in an <br />operable condition to avoid leaking. <br />Be It Further Resolved, that the Board agrees to continue to discuss a <br />community development program with the historic Rogers Road neighborhood in <br />order to solicit further ideas and feedback, and <br />Be It Further Resolved, to develop a plan with law enforcement to enforce <br />speed limits and requirements for covered loads." <br />Be It Further Resolved, that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />directs staff to begin planning a solid waste transfer station for the Eubanks Road <br />site. <br />