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should the BOCC wish to pursue this option. It is estimated that the RFP process could take <br />approximately 3 months. Staff recommends that the consultant chosen by the BOCC would <br />work directly with the BOCC in redefining site criteria and be responsible for conducting an <br />extensive land-based search and analysis for suitable sites for presentation to the BOCC. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct financial impact associated with the BOCC discussion <br />of a reopened site search. Staff proposes to return in January, should the BOCC desire, with <br />an estimated cost for outside professional/technical services. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board discuss the background <br />materials, issues and implications, and consider the following actions or some modification <br />thereof: <br />1. Agree to begin a new process for identifying and evaluating alternate locations for an <br />Orange County Transfer Station; <br />2. Review the siting criteria as attached and provide any comment or feedback as may be <br />desired; and <br />3. Authorize staff to either utilize one of the existing contracted professional consulting firms <br />OR pursue a new consulting firm to establish and implement with the BOCC a new <br />process for identifying and evaluating alternate locations. <br />