Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:95F765C9-AE95-41C0-9136-42808BDB92C8 <br /> [Departmental Use Only] <br /> Title Gallagher Contract <br /> FY 2015-16 <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT -RFP- <br /> OVER $90,000 OR BOARD CONSULTANT <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> This Agreement, made and entered into this 4th day of March, 2015, ("Effective Date") by <br /> and between Orange County, North Carolina a body politic and corporate of the State of North <br /> Carolina (hereinafter, the "County") and Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc., (hereinafter, the <br /> "Consultant"). <br /> WITNESSETH: <br /> That the County and Consultant, for the consideration herein named, do hereby agree as <br /> follows: <br /> ARTICLE 1 SCOPE OF WORK <br /> 1.1 Scope of Work <br /> 1.1.1 This Services Agreement ("Agreement") is for professional consulting services to <br /> be rendered by Consultant to County with respect to (insert Project description) services of <br /> Broker of Record to consult with the County in the management of its employee benefit <br /> programs and to assist the County with strategically planning, designing, and negotiationg the <br /> best coverage and cost for selective employee benefit programs which may include, but are not <br /> limited to health, dental, vision, and other voluntary programs for employees and retirees. <br /> 1.1.2 By executing this Agreement, the Consultant represents and agrees that Consultant <br /> is qualified to perform and fully capable of performing and providing the services required or <br /> necessary under this Agreement in a fully competent,professional and timely manner. <br /> 1.1.3 Time is of the essence with respect to this Agreement. <br /> 1.1.4 The services to be performed under this Agreement consist of Basic Services, as <br /> described and designated in Article 3 hereof. Compensation to the Consultant for Basic Services <br /> under this Agreement shall be as set forth herein. <br /> ARTICLE 2 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONSULTANT <br /> 2.1 Services to be Provided. The Consultant shall provide the County with all services <br /> required in Article 3 to satisfactorily complete the Project within the time limitations set forth <br /> herein and in accordance with the highest professional standards. <br /> 2.2. Standard of Care <br /> Revised 10/14 <br /> 1 <br />