Orange County NC Website
14 <br />-APPENDIX III- <br />Media Release <br />FOR IMMEDL4TE RELEASE <br />Date: December 31, 2007 <br />Contact: Robert Marotto, Orange County Animal Services Director (919) 968-2287 <br />Orange County Animal Control Civil Penalty and Fee Updates <br />Chapel Hill- The Animal Control Division of the Animal Services Department will be updating <br />several Civil Penalties and Fees effective February 4, 2008. The penalties and fees cover <br />ordinance violations including failure to vaccinate or license pets, public nuisance and animal <br />mistreatment. <br />They are designed to encourage responsible pet ownership and improve the safety of not only the <br />animals, but also the community as a whole. This is the first increase in the Animal Control <br />penalties and fees in over a decade. <br />Comparisons of other North Carolina counties show civil penalties and fees that range from $25 <br />to $1000. Orange County's current fee amounts are lower than many other area counties. <br />Animal Services officials believe the increases will serve as encouragement for citizens to <br />comply with the County's vaccination, licensing and animal care laws, and thereby ensure more <br />effective compliance with the County's Animal ordinances and improve community health and <br />safety. <br />The increases will only affect those pet owners who violate county animal ordinances and fail <br />to come into compliance when notified. <br />Civil Penalty/Fee Updates <br /> New Amount Previous Amount <br />Failure to Vaccinate Against Rabies $200 $100 <br />Failure to License $200 $50 <br />Mistreatment $200 $50 <br />Public Nuisance Violations $50, $100, $200, $300, $400 $25, $50, $100, $150, $200 <br />Responsible Pet Ownership <br />^ Ensuring that the proper needs of the pet are met, including nutrition, socialization and <br />medical attention <br />^ Ensuring that a pet does not become a nuisance or danger to the community or fellow <br />citizens <br />