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<br />staff on cable franchise oversight as well as on broader electronic information technology issues. <br />Specifically, the committee recommends that the following be included in the charge you <br />give to the transformed committee: <br />1. Advising the Board and County staff on cable franchise compliance and oversight, <br />with these issues being of greatest concern: <br />a. Monitoring of cable system extensions. <br />b. Promoting PEG channel awareness and content development.. <br />c. Conducting PEG access channel viewer surveys to assess and promote <br />awareness. <br />2. Promoting access and enjoyment by all residents of unincorporated Orange <br />County to electronic information technology, including collaboration as needed <br />with the EDC's Infrastructure Work Group to ensure access by all County <br />residents to high speed Internet service. <br />3. Identifying opportunities for assisting and coordinating with other County <br />advisory committees, task forces,.and work groups that address information <br />technology issues. <br />4. Keeping track of developments within the community and society at large, <br />including the information technology industry and the relevant regulatory <br />environment, that affect access of residents of unincorporated Orange County to <br />information technology. <br />If you or the other Commissioners would like to discuss these recommendations in <br />greater detail, I am sure that several members of the committee would be happy to provide <br />additional insight into the recommendations. <br />Sincerely yours, <br />Orange County Cable TV Advisory Committee <br />