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Whose responsibility is it to keep an eye on the overall franchise, Mr. Boyarsky asked. <br />Mr. Patrick said that function is within CAC's purview and, he hoped, would be included <br />in the charge for any transmuted version of CAC that BOCC might create. <br />In reply to a question raised by Mr. Boyarsky Mr. Johnston suggested that item (d) <br />remain on the list independent from customer complaint issues because, for example, <br />there have been and may in the future be signal quality issues related to channe1265 of <br />concern to the County. Recently, the County's new government channel was <br />broadcasting the audio but not the video portion of a BOCC meeting transmission, he <br />said. Such an issue could be tied into PEG oversight, said Mr. Boyarsky. <br />All ten of the items on the Action Audits list fall under contract compliance, said Mr. <br />Barker. Who'll be responsible for contract compliance? Time Warner's refusal to <br />provide maps to help us in monitoring service extension compliance might be a contract <br />compliance issue, for example, he said. We need a forum for talking about this. Who <br />would that kind of thing fall to? .Ms. Harvey said that the Action Audits memorandum <br />identifies its franchise oversight activities relevant to Orange County. Renee Boyette is <br />the contract compliance officer at TJCOG who works directly with Action Audits to <br />define its compliance monitoring responsibilities. <br />Ms. Rice said that Action Audits does not handle the day to day contract compliance for <br />Orange County under the arrangements with TJCOG. Action Audits steps in and tries to <br />facilitate if a situation arises that becomes too difficult for the County and TWC to work <br />out themselves, or too technical for Orange County's staff to address. Ms. Harvey said <br />that regardless of whether there is a CAC in the future, she will continue to be the liaison <br />between citizens and TWC and in the compliance monitoring arrangement between <br />Orange County, Action Audits, and Triangle J COG. <br />Mr. Patrick said that with the exception of item (e), all of the items on the Action Audits <br />list are franchise compliance issues. The top priority issues on the list, he said, are (g), <br />(h), and (i). <br />Mr. Brown asked if customer surveys could be conducted interactively, using the remote <br />and cable boxes. Mr. Barker said that one of the rules of good compliance monitoring is <br />that you don't have the entity being evaluated (in this case, TWC) in control of the <br />evaluation process or technologies being used. Ms. Keene concurred. <br />Ms. Keene said that it's important for all to understand that the franchise agreement only <br />relates to video services. Customer complaints about Internet, for example, would not <br />come under the franchise agreement. Mr. Boyarsky asked if there is any government <br />oversight with respect to any of TWC's other products beyond video, and all said to him <br />that there is not. Mr. Patrick said there is a stipulation in the cable franchise agreement <br />with TWC that allows the County to purchase the I-Net system if the County ever wants <br />to, but beyond that the County has no contractual arrangements with TWC other than <br />7 <br />