Orange County NC Website
5 <br />Orange County Channel 265 e-NC Capital Grant Application <br />Explanation of Capital Expenditures <br />4. Explain how the requested funding will be used (for what types of equipment or <br />other capital expenditures). Explain why this cost qualifies as a capital <br />expenditure necessary to providing PEG channel programming. <br />(Note: Applicants must successfully explain Izow the funding being requested <br />qualifies as a capital expenditure, or the application will not qualify for <br />consideration of funding) <br />Answer: <br />Orange County recently upgraded the equipment at the county facility in Chapel Hill <br />where channe1265 is broadcast from. This new equipment allows up to 5 DVDs to <br />be scheduled for broadcast at anytime. With this added capability Orange County <br />now has the opportunity to broadcast additional programming on channe1265 beyond <br />the BOCC meetings and bulletin boards. This grant funding would allow us to <br />purchase audio. visual equipment necessary to film government and community <br />events outside of our Chapel Hill location which can then be edited and broadcast on <br />channe1265. This equipment represents aone-time investment that could be used to <br />make thousands of hours of video over many years. <br />With this equipment staff proposes to contract with The People's Channel to plan, <br />implement, and program 32 hours of original viewer content on Channe1265 per <br />year. Examples of viewer content include special events such as The Agricultural <br />Summit, The Economic Development Breakfast, The Pauli Murray Awards, The <br />Human Relations Month Kick-off Festivities, and other public programs and work <br />shops conducted by County officials. <br />The People's Channel, under their agreement with Chapel Hill, can not allow Orange <br />County free use of their existing equipment to film for broadcast on channe1265. <br />Therefore Orange County must either supply the equipment to be used or rent the <br />equipment from The People's Channel, which would be cost prohibitive. Equipment <br />purchased under the grant award would be owned, maintained, and insured by the <br />County. Provided the capital equipment, Orange County would have the ability and <br />flexibility through its long standing partnership with The People's Channel to <br />originate, produce and program local content on Channe1265 as proposed. <br />Statement of Need <br />5. Explain why this expenditures is critical to providing programming for this PEG <br />channel and why this need cannot, or has not, been met through other sources. <br />(Note: this answer is tied directly to the scoring process for the grant award <br />decisions.) <br />Answer: <br />