Orange County NC Website
4 <br />Orange County Channel 265 e-NC Capital Grant Application <br />Section 12.0 <br />Program Narrative <br />Applicants should submit a narrative which directly answers the following questions: <br />Background/Organization Information for the a-NC Authority <br />1. Briefly describe the total number of channels provided to the Applicant via their <br />cable franchise agreement, and the type(s) of programming associated with each <br />channel. <br />Answer: <br />Currently Orange County has three PEG channels certified through our franchise <br />agreement: channels 8, 18, and 265. Channel 8 is operated and programmed as a <br />public access channel by the nonprofit organization, The People's Channel. Channel <br />18 is programmed as a government access channel and jointly operated by the towns <br />of Chapel Hill and Carrboro. Channe1265 is solely operated and programmed by <br />Orange County as a government access channel. <br />2. Briefly explain the relationship between the PEG channel(s) for which funding is <br />being sought and the Applicant. Clarify whether the channel(s) is directly <br />operated by the Applicant. <br />Answer: <br />Channe1265 was granted to Orange County as part of the re-negotiation of Orange <br />County's franchise agreement with Time Warner Cable in 2005. It is solely operated <br />and programmed by Orange County. The channel had its official debut on March <br />27`n, 2007, when it broadcast its first live Board of County Commissioners meeting. <br />Since that time additional equipment has been added to allow for the re-broadcast of <br />BOCC meetings twice a day along with bulletin boards advertising current job <br />openings, volunteer opportunities to serve on boards and commissions, and a pet of <br />the week feature. <br />3. ff the PEG channel(s) for which funding is being ought is "shared" by multiple <br />local governments, please briefly explain the relationship between these <br />government and the channel(s) <br />Answer: <br />Channel 265 is the government access channel solely operated and programmed by <br />Orange County. <br />