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2 <br /> objective and subjective information and concluded there appears to be <br /> a need for the services to be provided, We concluded that the service <br /> delivery system as presently constituted by the three volunteer agencies <br /> was effective, did not substantially duplicate services, and/or serve <br /> the same clients as the three public agencies and should continue. <br /> 2. Could these services be provided through established agencies, <br /> i.e. Departments of Health, 'Mental Health, and Social Services? <br /> The Committee felt that there were two important and intricately <br /> involved issues to be dealt with in this question. The first relates <br /> to cost effectiveness and the second to whether the thrust of volunteerism <br /> would be lost if the services were subsumed under the aegis of the public <br /> agencies. This Latter point is discussed in more detail in number <br /> three below. <br /> The three volunteer groups have significant affinity to two public <br /> agencies. However, neither agency would at present be able to assume <br /> the responsibilities being carried out by these groups. <br /> The three public agencies would not be able to provide the services <br /> being furnished by the three volunteer groups unless some presently <br /> delivered services were reduced or terminated or unless additional <br /> funds were appropriated to the agencies for said services. <br /> The Committee felt that services could be provided by the voluntary <br /> groups in a more cost effective manner primarily due to the utilization <br /> of volunteers. i <br /> 3. Examine the value of "volunteerism" and "privacy environment" <br /> which these groups emphasize and determine whether volunteerism <br /> and privacy environment should and/or could be preserved <br /> within the established structures. <br /> The Ad Hoc Committee felt the special nature of Orange County <br /> needs to be recognized and utilized in terms of the large number of <br /> persons interested in and committed to giving of themselves in voluntary <br /> pursuits. This sense of dedication and committment by volunteers was <br /> viewed very positively by the Ad Hoc Committee. We further felt that <br /> "privacy environment" did provide a non-bureaucratic service opportunity <br /> to persons who might not avail, themselves of services provided by the <br /> public agencies. <br /> 4. If small independent agencies are funded with tax monies, <br /> how can they be supervised and coordinated within the govern- <br /> mental structure? <br /> The Committee considered a number of possible solutions in trying <br /> to respond to this question, Moreover, the Committee recognizes the almost <br /> limitless variations possible in attempting to deal with the question. <br />