Orange County NC Website
I• <br /> 4 <br /> Contingencies <br /> The obvious current source of funds for items of an emergency or contingent. <br /> nature is the contingency line item. There have been no amendments to that <br /> line approved to date, so it remains at $100,000. Some funds will be required <br /> for bond education, but less than $3,500. There are several other contingencies <br /> on the horizon including a major item of about $20,000 additional required <br /> for revaluation activities. 'This would have been available from the Revaluation <br /> Fund but the contract came in over the $250,000 estimated. <br /> There are 7z months left in the year, and the contingency amount is very <br /> small. Consequently, it should be reserved to the greatest extent possible. <br /> Funds Available Summary <br /> In addition to the jail and the Grady Brown building, there are several <br /> funding sources available at a cast to us in future years estimated as follows: <br /> Amount Cost <br /> Available 1980-1981 Future Years <br /> Net Debt Reduction <br /> Bonds 385,000 32,000 32,000(20) <br /> Financing Agreements 80,000 25,000 25,000(4) <br /> i Fund Balance Pool 800,000 800,000 -0- <br /> Contingency 75,000 -0- -0- <br /> Total 1,340,000 857,000 57,000 <br /> If all.of this were used the County would be broke, have to raise taxes 10� <br /> in 1980-81 for a maintenance budget, sell tax anticipation notes, and have <br /> no other contingencies. The most realistic approach is the net debt reduction <br /> bonds and the financing agreement which cast us less than two-thirds of a cent <br /> in 1930-31 1 present the other information only to answer the question <br /> "What else do we have available?" <br /> Finally, on funding, you will note the lack of comment on returning the <br /> question to the voters through another referendum. I have done so because <br /> I feel this is purely a political matter at this time. <br /> M tal Improvements Pr_ UYam <br /> It is also my recommendation that we being the preparation of the 1980-85 <br /> capital improvements program (CIP) as soon as possible. It was anticipated <br /> in the initial year that this would be an annual activity. With fewer resources <br /> available, it becomes even more important to have a long range capital plan. <br /> Following the organizational meeting of the new Chapel Hill Board it would <br /> be appropriate to have an initial meeting among the school boards and the <br /> commissioners. This timing is important so that the CIP can get well under <br /> way if not completed before serious consideration of the operating budget begins. <br />