Orange County NC Website
MII`10RA`dDUM <br /> Page 2 <br /> October 17, 1979 <br /> 2) Which target area or areas should be selected? <br /> Recommendation: The planning staff recommends that the County <br /> continue the CD program in the Northern Fairview target area. <br /> Because HUD is very familiar with this area as a result of the <br /> current program, our chances of being funded are increased. Also, <br /> HUD has a considerable investment in providing infrastructure <br /> (water and sewer) to this area. HUD sees the provision of this <br /> infrastructure as a good basis from which to expand the community <br /> development effort into the areas of housing and neighborhood <br /> improvement. <br /> 3) Which community development activities should be involved? <br /> Recommendation: The activities to be included in the County's <br /> next application are determined by the federal regulations and <br /> guidelines that currently govern this program. After studying <br /> these regulations and attending HUD's recent briefing, it appears <br /> that housing rehabilitation needs-to be the essential element in <br /> the application. Any other activities should be secondary to <br /> housing rehabilitation and associated housing activities. The <br /> HUD staff stressed in the briefing and guidelines that activities <br /> such as road paving have little chance of being evaluated favorably. <br /> The County application could perhaps, contain a. limited amount of <br /> activities such as neighborhood cleanup, surface drainage improve- <br /> ment, community revitalization, and development of a small park. <br /> one of the other possible activity areas new this year is economic <br /> development. Since this is a new area for EUD they are recommend- <br /> ing that communities interested in developing projects in this <br /> area contact them to discuss their proposals. In summary, the <br /> planning staff recommends that the primary activity be housing <br /> rehabilitation, with other activities added, if feasible. <br /> 4) What type of application should be prepared?. <br /> Recommendation: Basically, there are two types of applications that <br /> Orange County could submit: Single-Purpose (grant limit $500,000) <br /> and One-year Comprehensive (grant limit $1,000,000).. The planning <br /> staff recommends postponing this decision until we have an opportunity <br /> to analyze the regulations more thoroughly, and the CD Task Force has <br /> a chance to meet. It appears that our chances of receiving a Single- <br /> Purpose grant are somewhat greater than those of receiving a <br /> Comprehensive grant. In any case, the base information which will <br /> need to be assembled is generally the same for each type of <br /> application. <br /> We have been informed by HUD that the grant expenditure threshold <br /> requirement is 75% at the date we submit a new application. This means <br /> that we must have spent 75% of our presen $500,000 grant,aor $375,000 <br /> by the time we finally submit our application. <br /> dates are December 24, 1979 until January 7, 1980. We have already <br /> spent $308,000. <br /> The attached figures and maps contained are a report outlining the <br /> total need of the County in developing cost figures that lead to our <br /> conclusions. <br /> slr <br />