Orange County NC Website
µ <br /> projected in the budget estinnte submitted by the fire Depcart:nent <br /> to the County and an by the County Cvrnmissioners_ <br /> Z. That a special or separate fund shall be maintained by the <br /> County for fonds collected as a result of said special tax.. <br /> r <br /> 3. That current taxes, as they arc collected by the county, <br /> shall be paid to the Trustees of the Little River Fire District, Orange County, <br /> b"yX} s�?CXXXXi:?3}��rXISX?Ce£ rC?in`f `f `:yalf as follows <br /> periodically <br /> that delinquent taxes shall be remitted quarterly. <br /> a. The party of the second part shall provide the necessary <br /> equi.p;:ent and personnel for furnishing adequate fire protection as <br /> determined by the N crth Caroline Department of Tnsuranca, Fire and <br /> Res_;:e Service Division, for all property located within the <br /> Little River Fire District , and it will furnish said <br /> fire protection free of charge to all persons and individuals located <br /> in said district in an efficient and workmanlike manner. <br /> 5. That all funds paid to the party of the second part by the II <br /> petty =f the first part shall be used exclusively to provide fire <br /> protectior. within said T.if-4-IP _Riirpr Fire DistCi.ct , <br /> and to pay other legitimate fire protection expenses including principal <br /> and interest on the aforementioned loan made by the Farmers Rome Adrain- <br /> is.rotian. <br /> 5. Iw is cngrncd that the party of th% first part may inspect all <br /> h k5 and accounts for the party of the 9ccond part at any time that <br /> gall d^sire; it is further *greed that the Fire D°part,-nt will <br />