Orange County NC Website
3 <br />in areas of coiierete: testing;. asphalt pavement placerrient, soil density, ABC sampling, borrow ,pit <br />sampling, OSHA safety; radiological safety and gauge use,.and erosion control unplementatiions. <br />PROPt3SED PROJECT PERSONNEL <br />Surnmitvrill assignMr. Don.Dewey, a Professional Engineer with over 19'years of relevant experience;to <br />serve as the:project manager.for this project. He will coordinate all testing activities mcluding,'providing; <br />specific :instructions to :Summit personnel, reviewing all.. >field: reports 'for accuracy and completeness;. <br />resolving any gnestioris;or probl"ems as they develop, and preparing; umrna=y eports of obsevation and. <br />testing;activities at regular intervals:. <br />$uminit will assign an engineering: technician. who. has extensive experience With this type of building. <br />eonstrucfioni. The technician: assigned to the project;becones akey project team. player and should be able <br />to make. expedient and` appropriate:recommendations"that. could. otherwise, holdup construction activities. <br />Summit Consulting Engineers will; provide the: specified constriction materials testing from our <br />:local office located in Hillsborough,,North Carolina. <br />SCtJPE OF SERVICES <br />,Based upon our experience on similar projects, the services :Summit expects to provide;would include but <br />not be: limited to the following; work elements: sitework, foundations; cast=in: place concrete, reinforcing <br />-. <br />steeland paving, (Jur primary objective is to verify that the work is performed and installed iri:accordarice <br />with theproject documents; <br />The services :Summit expects to provde;would include but not necessarily be limited to the following: <br />SoilslEarthwork; <br />1. Observation.. of proofrolling activities prior`to:fill placement and providing;recommendations <br />for unstable or unsuitable soils, if encountered.. <br />2. Observation and density testing during soil/stone fill placement. <br />3: Obtaining soil and tone samples for laboratorytesting including soil classification; Atterberg <br />limits, gradation and standard proctor .determinations:: <br />4. Verifying placement and performing; density testing of foundation. wall: and retaining wall <br />backfilling. activities; <br />Foundations <br />1. Ob$ervation, verification anti testing' of bearing capacity- of all,, foundations and providing <br />recommendations where unsuitable bearing conditions exist; if encountered.. <br />L-iGeotechnical~Proposals12007'Proposal Log1P-014-Q7Urangecountywaste\Orange. Gounty5olid V/aste C?perations <br />Center -Construction Materials Testing.doc <br />-Page:2 of 4- <br />