Orange County NC Website
On January 30, without prior consultation, the Mayor of Chapel Hill <br /> presented a th e-part proposal to the Chapel Hill Town Council : 1) approval of <br /> a Southern By-R ss, 2) withdrawal from the I-40 lawsuit, and 3) a request to <br /> the General Ass mbly to increase the Town' s planning ;jurisdiction beyond that <br /> agreed to by the County. After linking the planning extension to the two highway <br /> matters, the Ma or suggested that the Department of Transportation's important <br /> leverage in the General Assembly could help get this additional planning jurisdictioi <br /> for the Town. <br /> The Commis ioners agreed, on short notice, to a late afternoon meeting with <br /> u 6th. The meeting produced a sub-committee with two <br /> the Town Counci� on February ; <br /> members from each Board and a very general assignment to discuss these issues and <br /> bring reports nd recommendations back to the Boards. <br /> However, C. apel Hill 's Council has scheduled a February 19th meeting to make <br /> a decision abou requesting the planning extension from the General Assembly. It <br /> has been sugges ed by several members of the Town Council that while the sub- <br /> committee d'ISCU sons are going on, the Town could also request the legislation, <br /> as added insura ce, and that such an act should not be interpreted as antagonistic. <br /> Regardless of t e intent, the practical result of such an action would be the same <br /> it would place the Town and the County in adverse positions. <br /> If there i any doubt whether the 'Board of Commissioners would oppose such <br /> legislation, le all doubt be removed now. The Orange County Commissioners are <br /> unanimously opposed to the North Carolina General Assembly overriding a carefully <br /> considered planning decision made by this Board under the authority given to it, <br /> and to the County Board of Commissioners throughout the State, by the General <br /> Assembly in 1971 G. S. 160A 360) . We believe that state legislators will <br />