Orange County NC Website
"Petition for Review" of the decision of the North Carolina Pro- <br /> perty Tax Commission in the Orange County Superior Court. <br /> 6. In a decision rendered at the March 28, 1977 <br /> Session of Orange County Superior Court, the Hor_°orable Davicf <br /> Smith REMANDED this matter to the North Carolina Property Tdx <br /> Commission for the limited purpose of allowing the Responderit, <br /> Orange Co ty, to present rebuttal evidence on the sole issue of <br /> whether or not p'etitioner's agricultural and forest lands were <br /> under a "sound management program" as defined by North Carolina <br /> General, Stitute §105-277.2 (6) . The aforesaid decision contained <br /> n d <br /> the furthe instruction that in the event that Orange County was <br /> not able tc present convincing rebuttal evidence on the aforesaid <br /> issue, tha the decision of the North Carolina Property Tax <br /> Commission would be reversed and that Petitioner's application <br /> for the "pr sent use value assessment" pursuant to North Carolina <br /> General Sta ute 5105-277.2--.7 would be granted. <br /> 7 The Petitioner duly made application to the Orange <br /> County Tax upervisor's Office for "present use value assessments" <br /> for the years 1975, 1976, 3977 and 1978 pursuant to North Carolina <br /> General. Stai�ute §105-277.2-. 7., In light of the fact that the <br /> aforesaid a plicat.ions involve similar areas of dispute as Peti- <br /> tioner' s 19'M application, in order to avoid unnecessary duplica- <br /> tion and ex ease, the parties have reached a settlement on the <br /> above-referenced applications in conjunction with the settlement <br /> of Petitioner's 1974 application. _ <br /> 8. The parties agree and the Court finds That the funda <br /> mental issue, in controversy is the issue of whether the Petitioner's <br /> agriculturaliland and forest land were under a "sound management" <br />