Orange County NC Website
1. MINUTES <br /> RANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> 2 . MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1978 <br /> 3. <br /> 4. The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on <br /> 5. Monday, April 3 1978, at 10 :00 a.m. , in the Commissioners ' Room of the <br /> 6 . Courthouse in Hillsborough. <br /> 7. Present we e Chairman Richard Whitted, Commissioners Norman Gustavesc <br /> 8. Jan Pinney, Norman Walker and Donald Willhoit. <br /> 9. Others present were S. M. Gattis , County Manager, Neal Evans , Finance <br /> 10, Director, Geoff ey Gledhill., County Attorney, and Agatha Johnson, Clerk <br /> 11. The Chairm n asked if there were any persons present, who were not <br /> 12. listed on the p inted agenda, and who had matters to bring to the attentic <br /> 13. of the Board. No one came forth. <br /> 14. The Chairman asked if members of the Board wished to add items to the <br /> 15 . agenda. <br /> 16. Items added to the agenda were: <br /> 17. Discussion of a letter received from Dr. Robert Hanes . <br /> 18. Discussion of ECO's newspaper box proposal. <br /> 19 . Discussion of renovation of the Chapel Hill Multipurpose Center. <br /> 20 . Item 2: Mi utes of the March 21 and 23 , 1978 Board meetings are <br /> 21. submitted for co sideration. <br /> 22. Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Gustaves <br /> 23. the March 21, 1978 minutes were approved. <br /> 24 . Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Gustaues <br /> 25 . the March 23 , 1978 minutes were approved. <br /> 26 . Item 3: Residents along State Road 1510, in the Hurdle Mills Communi <br /> 27. wish to discuss Daving this road. <br /> 28. The Chairma recognized Rev. Tinnen of the Hurdle Mills Community. <br /> 29. Rev. Tinnen stat d the residents of both State Road 1510 and State Road 15. <br /> 30. were present to liscuss paving of both roads . <br />