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AGENDA ATTACHMENT I <br /> FACT HEET. ABORTION FUNDING IN NORTH CAROLINA <br /> BACKGMUM: <br /> On January 22, 1973, the United states Supreme court ruled that abortion .laws <br /> in Texas and Georgia were unconstitutional. The court held that during the <br /> first trimester, the only restriction that could be imposed was that abortions <br /> be performed by a lice=ed physician. In May. 1973, the North Carolina General <br /> Assembly enacted legislation whereby abortions became more readily available in <br /> North Carolina. <br /> In North Carolina prior to August, 1977 abortions were funded 'for women who <br /> qualified for medical assistance tinder the Medicaid Program (Title X1X of <br /> Social Security at) and title XX of the. Pubiic Health Service ?tat. These <br /> funds paid the cost of first and second t3rimester abortions. The federal <br /> government paid 0 percent of' t2ie cost and North Carolina 10 percent. <br /> In October, 1976 the Hyde Amendment which. was an amendment to the 19764977 <br /> HEW-Labor Appropriations bill was to have gone into effect. It said that: <br /> "None of the funds contained in this!act shall be used to perform abortions <br /> except where the Life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were <br /> carried to terns. Tn October; 1976 Judge Dooling in New York issued a pre- <br /> liminary injunct on and the Hyde Amendment was not implemented until. the Supreme <br /> Court acted in le Sutter of 1977. <br /> in the summer of 1977 the Supreme Court made a decision that affected abortion <br /> funding. on Jun: 20, 197'7 the court ruled that states were not required to <br /> pay for non-therapeutic abortions under Medicaid even though full term pregnancies <br /> were covered. Two months later, a federal district court dissolved its order <br /> that had enjoined a congressional prohibition on the use of federral funds for <br /> abortions. The 1.976 Hyde Amendment .immediately went into effect. <br /> In the meantime, Congress began considering the wording of the Hyde Amendment <br /> that was to be ckdd, on to the 1977-78 Labor-HEW Appropriations bill. Before <br /> the issue was finally resolved on December 7, 1977 after a bitter five and a <br /> half month deadlock, there had been approximately, 30 votes and the passage of <br /> two month-long =ntinuing resolutions. (temporary funding measures) so that <br /> federal employee could be paid. The final wording was little batter than- <br /> that passed in 1. 76. This issue will again be brought, up before Congress <br /> In the summer of 1978. <br /> IN NORTH CAROL=z <br /> All but 18 states and D. C. have cutoff all funding for abortions. In North <br /> Carolina, after he August, 1.977 cutoff of funds, several counties, including <br /> Mecklenburg, Wak , and Durham., continued to pay for first trimester abortions <br /> under certain ci cumstatctasj out of .county funds. on January 17, 1978, the <br /> Social Service mmission acting upon a :reco ndation from Dr. Sarah Morrow, <br /> Secretary of the North Carolina Uepartmisnt of Human Resources, voted to use <br /> state funds to p y the medical east of abortions from February 1, 1978 until <br /> June 30, 1978. f state funds are to be made available'after that tine, the <br /> North Carolina eral Assembly will have to pass a supplemental appropriations <br /> bill in June, 19 8. <br /> i <br />