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AGENDA ATTACHMENT I <br /> . r <br /> FTR U P ICE <br /> The Coalition for Choice was formed in August, 1977, Uy individuals and organiza- <br /> tions who were c ncerneL by the federal government's action not to pay for abor- <br /> tions for women who were eligible for redical assistance. <br /> The Coalition wo ked to get ,groups in the Charlotte/liecklenburg area to formally <br /> endorse the four principles which were drawn up at the 2nd meeting. These prin- <br /> ciples are: <br /> 1. Abortion is the right of women. This right was upheld by the <br /> Supreme Court in 1973. <br /> 2. The "Hyd Amendment", which cuts off federal funding for most <br /> abortion , is blatantly discriminatory against poor women and <br /> threatens the right of all women to choose a medically safe <br /> abortion. <br /> 3. Congress should fund abortions for women who are eligible for <br /> federally funded medical assistance. <br /> 4. The State of North Carolina should be urged to pick up funding <br /> for abortions until, the federal, goverrwment again resumes its <br /> responsibility. <br /> By early December 1.977, twelve groups publicall,y endorsed the Coalition. <br /> These grooms are: AAMI -- Charlotte Branch, B'nal B'rith Women •- Ch. 7B1, <br /> Charlotte/Meek. urg Rape Crisis Service, Charlotte Women's Political Caucus, <br /> Charlotte Women's Center, Mecklenburg Commission on the Status of I-10 yen, <br /> Mational ;abortion Rights Action League, North Carolina American Civil Liberties <br /> Union, North Carolina Black Women's Political Caucus, ?forth Carolina National <br /> Organization for tomen, people's All.iance...and Planned Parenthood of Greater <br /> Charlotte. Indiv'.dual$ from other organizations, which have not formally <br /> endorsed the Coal tion, have been working with the Coalition. <br /> The group is=, edia el <br /> y began working at the county, state, and federal level. <br /> Support was given to those Congressional rgpresentatives who su-Pported the <br /> most liberal language of the "Hyde Amendment" of the 1973 AEIP-Labor Appropriations <br /> Bill. At the same time, people began talking with i,ecklenburg County Commis- <br /> sioners to urge them to appropriate county funds to aid .low-income county res.i- <br /> dents. In October, on a recommendation fron, the 1•13eckl.enburg County Department <br /> Of Social Services Board, the county made funds available to pay for first- <br /> trimester abortions. Representatives from the Coalition and member organizations <br /> spoke at the COuntF Commission meeting and individually with COmmissi.on members <br /> prior to that sheet'ng. <br /> Each of the supporting groups had drawn up a <br /> position statement on the issue of <br /> funding abortions. At the end of Ser�tetnber, a <br /> statements, was se t out. In addition to the media the estatements went toe <br /> state and federal 90vernment officials. This began our contact with the Depart- <br /> ment of Human Reso rces and Departnent of Social Services at the state level.. <br /> Many People in those departments, including Dr. Sarah Morrow, Secretary of the <br /> Department of Human Resources, were sub sportive, and the state began l,aakina for <br /> funds. <br />