Orange County NC Website
I <br /> of a misdemeanor punishable 15y imprisonment not to exceed <br /> coo days , or by a fine not to exceed $5,000 , or by both, in <br /> the discretion of the court. <br /> Section 23 1 junctive Relief <br /> a_ 11henever the governing body of the town or county has reason- <br /> able cause to believe that any person is violating or threatenin <br /> to viola. e this ordinance or any rule or order adopted or issued <br /> pursuant to this ordinance , or any terra, condition, or provisi.or.' <br /> of an ap roved,er-osi.on control plan, it may, either before or <br /> after the institution of any other action. or proceeding author12 <br /> by this ordinance, institute a civil action in the name of the <br /> town or county for injunctive relief to restrain, the violation. <br /> or threatened violation. The action shall be brought in the <br /> Superior court of Orange county. <br /> b. Uponn, det rmi.nation by a court that an alleged_viol ati.on is -;! <br /> occur4in or is threatened, it shall "enter such orders 'or-, <br /> judgment _ as are necessary to abate the violation or to prevent <br /> the threatened violation. The institution of an action for <br /> injunctive relief under this section shall not relieve any <br /> party to such proceedings from any civil or criminal- penalty <br /> prescrib d for violations of this ordinance_ <br /> section 24 lever.ability <br /> if any one or more sections or portions thereof of this ordinance <br /> are held to le invalid or unenforceable, all other sections and <br /> portions the:ffective eof shall. nevertheless continue in full force and effs <br /> Section 25 Date <br /> This ordinan e will become effective upon passage by the Orange <br /> County Board 'of commissioners and the approval by the North Carolin <br /> Sedimentatioa Control. commission_ <br />