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measures eeded to cr�tztpl.y and i will state the time with h <br /> which suc measures musE be completed. in determining the <br /> measures equi,red and the time allowed for compliance, the <br /> authority serving notice shall tale_ into consideration the <br /> economic easibi.l.i.ty, technology, and quantity of work <br /> required, �and shall. set reasonable and. attainable time l.imi-ts <br /> for compliance. <br /> C. The Erosion control officer reserves the right- to require <br /> preparation and approval of an erosion control plan in any <br /> instance vyherein extensive control measures are required. <br /> Section 16 , E 'osion Control officer <br /> This ordir:anc creates the position "of orange County Erosion T <br /> Control offi.c er who will be responsible for carrying out the <br /> provisions of this ordinance. The Orange County Erosion Control <br /> Officer shall work with the planning boards and the elected" <br /> governing bo rds of the planning jurisdictions <br /> within Or n Count <br /> in administering and enforcing this ordinance. <br /> Section 17 errgi.�Es . <br /> a, �o perso• shall undertake any land-�di.sturbinq activity on a <br /> tract co prising r►ore than one acre without .first obtaining <br /> a Perm, it therefor from the Erosion Control Off i,cer, except <br /> that no „ ermit shall be required for the land--distuirbing_,, <br /> activ.itias listed in Section 5. The permit shall be issued <br /> only aft r subvii.ssi.on and approval of an erosion and sedi.- <br /> mentatioll control plan. <br /> b. The coup y may establish such fees as considered necessary to <br /> defray c sts of administering this ordinance. <br /> Section 18 erosion and Sedimentatiori Control Plans <br /> a. An erosi n .control plan sh'al.1 be prepared for all land <br /> disturbing aeti '"ties subject to this ordinance �:henever the vi <br /> proposed activity is to be undertaken on a tract comprising <br /> more than one acre, if more than one con' tituous acre is to <br /> be uncovi red. The plan shall be filed- with the Erosion <br /> Control Officer and the Orange Soil and Water Conservation <br /> District, 30 days prior to the commencement of the proposed <br /> activity. <br /> b. The Orange Soil. and Water conservation District , within 20 <br /> days of receipt of any plan, or within such additional time <br /> as may be prescribed by the Board of Conmi.ssioners of Orange <br /> County, shall review such plan and submit its corraqents and <br /> recora-ne dat ions to the Erosion Control. Officer. ]Failure of <br /> the Dis ri.ct to submit its comments and recommendations to <br /> the Ero ion Control.Officer w within the prescribed time will <br />