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Section 10 s crow and VIaste Areas <br /> Itihen the pers n conducting the land-disturbing activity is also <br /> th& person co ducting the borrow of waste disposal activity, <br /> areas from which borrow is obtained and which are not regulated by <br /> ' <br /> the: provision 5 of the Mining Act of - 1971, and waste areas for <br /> s,rplus Tnater ' als other than landfills regulated by the Department <br /> of Human Reso rtes , Division of Health Services, shall be consi.derc <br /> as part of the Land-disturbing activity where the borrow material <br /> is being used or from which the waste material originated. ' 1•71hen <br /> the person conducting the ,land--disturbing activity is not the <br /> person obtaining the borrow and/or disposing of the aaste these <br /> areas shall be considered a separate 7 and-disturbiAg activity_ <br /> Section ll ccess %and Haul. Roads . . _- <br /> Temporary access and haul roads, other than public roads, con- <br /> structed or'used in connection with any land-disturbing activity <br /> shall be considered a part of such activity- . <br /> Section 12 perat:ions in Lakes or Other Natural Watercourses.,% <br /> Land-disturb, activity in connection with construction in, on, . <br /> over , or and r a lake or natural. watercourse shall be planned -a.nd <br /> conducted in such a manner as to minimize the extent 'and duration <br /> of di.sturban e cif the stream channel- The relocation of. a stream., <br /> where rel.oca ion is an essential part of the proposed activity, sh <br /> be planned a d executed so as to changes in the stream <br /> flow charact ristics, except when justification for significant <br /> alteration t flow charact.eri.sti.cs is provided. Every ,effort s`-'al <br /> be made to mAi.ntai-n buffer zones consisting of exis' vegetation <br /> between the and disturbing activity and the watercourse. <br /> Section .1.3 esponszbility f'or Mai.ntenance <br /> The person elgaged i.n or conducting the land---disturbing activity <br /> shall.. be res onsi-ble for mairntaining all temporary and permanent <br /> erosion and edirmenta.tion measures and during the <br /> development f a site- The for imai.ntai.ning al.l <br /> permanent er si•on and. sedimentation control measures and f acil.itie <br /> after sited velopment is completed shall lie ..with the landowner. <br /> section 1.4 A- ditional Measures <br /> Whenever the Erosion Control Officer determines that si.gni.ficant <br /> sedi.mentati,on is occurring a.s a result of land-disturbing activit_ <br /> despite applbcation a.,nd maintenance of protection practices, the. <br /> person condo ting the land-disturbing activity or the person <br /> e or maintenance will. be required to take additional <br /> protective a tion.. - <br /> cps .�►„ I T; P-wr i Mina Uncovered Areas <br />