Orange County NC Website
e. Agricult ral" d is land used primarily for the pr�oducti..on <br /> o pp, ant. and animals and intended for private consumption <br /> or sale, including but not Iimited to forage and sod cropsi <br /> „grain and feed craps, tobacco, cotton, and peanuts; dairy <br /> anini als and daisy products, poultry and. poultry products ; <br /> l.ivestoc ., including the breeding and grazing of any or al-l- <br /> such. ani al.s; bees and. apiary products; fur animals. <br /> f _ Borrow - means fill material which is required for on-site <br /> construction and is obtained from other locations. <br /> g_ Buffer Zone •- means the strap of land adjacent to a lake or <br /> natural- x' dtercourse, .the width of which is imeasured. from the <br /> edge of he water to the nearest edge of the disturbed area. <br /> h.. Commissi l n - means the North Carolina Sedimentation Control, <br /> Commission. <br /> i . Denuded area -- Any area deprived of its protective vegetative <br /> cover an ,l,ef-t in that exposed condition. <br /> " a Department of Natural. <br /> j . Department -- means the North Carol zn D p t: <br /> andEc is Resources. <br /> k. District -- means the Orange Soil and water Conservation Di.stri <br /> created pursuant to chapter 139, North Carolina General Statut <br /> 1. Erosion means the wearing away of Land surface .by" the <br /> of wind„ water, gravity, or any combination thereof. <br /> m. Ground C ver - means any natural, vegetative growth or other <br /> material, which renders the soil surface stable against, <br /> accelerated erosion._ <br /> n. impervious Structure -- is any structure which prevents the <br /> free seepage of rainwater into the ground, including but not <br /> l.amite i <br /> d o buildings, paved roads, paved Marking lots, airport <br /> runways, etc. <br /> cs. Lake or Natural Watercourse -� means any stream, river,. brook, <br /> swamp, ound, bay, creek, run, branch, , canal, waterway, <br /> estuary, and any reservoir, lake or pond, natural or impounde+ <br /> in whicb sediment may be moved or carried in .suspension, and <br /> which c ul.d be damaged by accumulation of sediment or any <br /> body of water which is or would be denoted by a solid blue <br /> line or solid blue shapes on U.S.G.S. topographic maps: <br /> P. Lana-disturbing A6tivi.ty - means- any -use of the land by any <br /> person" n .residential,, industrial, educational, institutional <br /> or comminr-e,rcial. development, highway and ,road construction and <br /> Tn i ni=ter+ i-h;4 - ra i'1l t', in a chanare in the 2'1ai-x r Al rnvc=r, nr <br />